
I resolve to be resolute

Posted: January 4, 2018 at 9:03 am   /   by   /   comments (0)

The Christmas tree is still occupying prime real estate in my dining room. Yep, it’s in the dining room. It’s been mocking me from the corner, near the side porch door, since parade weekend. The tree has been up for so long, we’re afraid we won’t be able to live without it cramping our style.

The tree decorations and tinsel have been played with, dropped and rearranged by two little girls. We are still staring in the face of tins of shortbread cookies, candy canes, red and green gumdrops, and chocolatecovered Santas. Bits of wrapping paper and ribbon, under chairs and the coffee table, make the house look a lot like January, if January had a look. When I squish my eyes almost closed, the house still looks a bit festive. Tired, but festive. It’s time to bring the bins down from the storage room and put it all away for another year. As I pass from room to room on my everyday rounds, I make a mental note of the decorations, tucked here and there. I hope I remember where they are on the great post- Christmas put away. Our granddaughter told me it’s not going to look right without holiday stuff all over the place. I think she means holiday treats in little dishes, all over the place. I agree. It just won’t be right when it’s all gone and I start my day with a coffee and something sensible, instead of a coffee with six jelly beans.

It’s January. I don’t want to make resolutions this year. But I’ve mentally made promises to myself on many a New Year’s Day. Indeed, I’ve shared a few of them with all y’all, right here. And I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t given a bit of thought about how to make 2018 better than 2017 was. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “Not making resolutions is a lot like thinking I won’t eat one more breakfast of jelly beans and coffee.” Like many of you, I am sure I’ll resolve to continue taking care of myself. I’ll promise to continue going to the gym, to eat more vegetables, more lean protein and drink more water and less wine. I might resolve to do all of those things. I have secretly promised to spend more time travelling and being with friends and family. Several years ago, YSOM (youngest son of mine) told me to “art more”. He loves “to art”. I will resolve to “art more”. I’ve got the art-more stuff. It doesn’t have a best before date, whereas I believe I do. OSOM (figure this one out for yourself) told me to think about running. I told him I didn’t have time for running and immediately realized how stupid that must have sounded to him, a father who works full-time, because it totally made me laugh at myself. And, I may, or may not, have resolved to laugh at myself more often. I have to face up to it, some of the things I do are just plain funny. Spend a moment watching and listening to yourself. You’re probably pretty funny too.

I continue to be firm in my commitment to read the mountain of books I have in a stack on my night table. I will buy more books for their entertainment value and fewer for their social-good-for-you blather. Since I purchased a ukulele, many years ago, I have wanted to become a better ukulele player. I could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I even attempted to play in 2017. So I’m thinking how could 2018 be bad if I spent more time playing the ukulele and less time thinking about it, I ask you. Of all the things I resolve to do, or not do, I continue in my commitment to say “no” when I want to say “no” and not wait until I’m fed up or frustrated. I promise myself I won’t feel guilty when I say “no”. Maybe I’ll just resolve to resolve my resolution issues.

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