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County News

No choice

Posted: August 3, 2012 at 9:11 am   /   by   /   comments (1)

CAS says it was compelled to act upon allegations

The Children’s Aid Society of Prince Edward County has responded to story in last week’s Times, in which a former foster parent said the CAS had trumped up charges against him as “payback” for advocating for better treatment for foster families and the children in their care.

Elaine Philip, the incoming chair of the CAS board, said it is the police and the Crown Attorney who make the decision to lay charges—not the CAS.

“The notion that the charges were part of a vendetta is totally without basis in fact and quite absurd,” said Philip.

She said the CAS is compelled to respond to allegations made by youth in its care. “The investigation was initiated by the allegation made by the individual. We have to follow the law too.”

Ron Slatter was charged with sexual assault, sexual interference and sexual exploitation. The allegations were made by a youth that once resided in the Slatter home.

“The OPP conducts their own separate parallel investigation whenever allegations are made,” said Philip. “When it comes to criminal charges, that is the sole domain of the police and the crown attorney.”

But Slatter says in this case the CAS were keenly invested in his arrest and in charges being laid against him. He believes he was targeted by the CAS because he spoke up for foster families and pushed for improved funding for the children under CAS care.

“They were the ones who notified the police. Their child protection officer was at the police station when I was questioned by police,” said Slatter. “She was in the next room I was in, listening and watching through the window from the next room. They are just trying to distance themselves from this,” said Slatter.

Philip further contends that Slatter is not the innocent victim he claims to be.

“He agreed to enter into a peace bond that required that he not be in the presence of children that are not his own grandchildren—that is not something you enter into if your 100 per cent innocent,” Philip told the Times.

Slatter says he only agreed to the condition at the last minute—just as charges were being withdrawn. He says he would have gone to trial had he fully understood what he was agreeing to.



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  • August 3, 2012 at 1:35 pm Evil

    the CAS always has the choice before they call the police,Elaine i think you have been in the shadows to long
