
March-ing Ahead

Posted: March 6, 2025 at 10:02 am   /   by   /   comments (0)

In the blink of an eye it’s March and we’re sliding into Spring! Lots of folks look at March as the beginning of the start of the mapping and the planning and the dieting and the exercising and the denying for the beach body they think they’ll have for sure, perhaps maybe, this year—but most folks know the truth. By the end of June all of those planny-plans don’t really come to fruition, and the heat of the summer is met with the very same body that probably stood in the very same spot in June of 2024, wondering what the H E double onion dips happened. So, let’s put all of that “summer/swimsuit body” stuff aside. Let’s talk about working on making better choices, reducing the unnecessary stress, drinking a bit more water, putting more fresh fruit and veggies on your plate, getting more exercise (however you can), spending more time out-of-doors, spending less time online and enjoying the company of friends and family. Yeah, let’s be all about all of that!

I’m sure you know I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. Well, sorta kinda don’t make them. However, I do tend to make a Springtime promise to myself to keep up the good work and, in some spots in my life, do a better job of taking care of the body I live in. And, if you know me (and let’s face it, who really does?) I’ve been on a diet for about 60 years. Yep, that’s right, but I’m just being honest, here. I can’t speak for any of the men in my life—frankly, I don’t understand men’s mindset with regard to their physical selves— but a lot of the women I know have been on the same “diet” journey. Mostly, we aren’t happy with the shape we’re in. Some of us work hard to make changes in our lifestyle. Some of us continue to preach about the next best way to find the happiness we believe is hidden in our body just waiting to be released by a capsule, an injection, a pill, a bowl of cabbage soup, a protein shake, restricting calories or by fasting. You don’t have to tell me about it, but I know, and you know, it’s true. And, we all know the diet drills we put ourselves through. So, as many times as I’ve told you I’m never going to diet again, the urge to do so is always there. I’m addicted. You might be, too. If you’re obsessed or possessed by/with the amount of what you’re eating, you’re addicted to dieting. Let’s face it, we all have to eat, but perhaps it’s time to be more thoughtful about the things we reach for when we’re bored, tired, stressed, happy, sad or angry.

At the beginning of my lifestyle change journey I was reluctant to give up the “foods” that made me feel good. I was fearful of not having quick, processed snacks close by. They were a crutch. If I were stressed I thought nothing of having a bowl of cereal. I know cereal sounds like a harmless food, but it wasn’t Red River Cereal I was eating. I was all about the variety packs and skipping the Rice Krispies. I had so many easily accessed stress foods in my life it was embarrassing and a bit difficult to hide the evidence. I have learned/am learning to make the meals I eat as nutrients and proteindense as possible—without skipping the part where they have to taste good, too. I’ve gradually eliminated the toxic people, events and situations that punctuated my life. I learned I am happiest when I’m am with my family and my friends. I calmer when I exercise/workout and when I hike. The grocery bill is lower because I rely on fresh, unprocessed, in-season foods to make up the bulk of our grocery purchases.

My Springtime promise to me is to continue to be my own best ally. I have learned, and continue to learn, what is best for my physical and mental health. I’m not getting any younger, but I am working on getting better!

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