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County News

Under the microscope

Posted: March 20, 2025 at 9:37 am   /   by   /   comments (0)

Council supports third party review of Planning and Development Department

At last Tuesday evening’s council meeting, a resolution put forward by Hillier councillor Chris Braney was passed that would see an external review of the County’s Planning and Development department.

According to Braney, increased development applications and significant changes in planning legislation have placed pressure on the planning and development and engineering staff involved in land use planning applications and review. The hope is that an external review would focus on organizational structure and processes, with suggestions that could offer improved service delivery.

“The goal and purpose of this proposed external Planning and Development review is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of those services for our residents in Prince Edward County,” stated Braney. “It will examine the role of planning and development management, front line staff and the completion of a service delivery process and implementation.”

Braney noted that his reasoning behind such a review was to provide senior management and Council with information on best practises used by other municipalities.

“It’s critical that we develop the concepts of innovation and continuous improvement in organizational structure by supporting the continuous review of our services,” said Braney. “I want to support our Planning and Development Department since I believe we can create a gold standard for the County that will be recognized as a leader for residents and businesses.”

Councillor Kate MacNaughton said although she appreciated the motion she couldn’t support it, as she had grave concerns of Council losing more control.

“I would be very concerned with what we would receive from a third party,” said the Picton councillor. “When I look around at the municipalities in southern and south-eastern Ontario, there are a few of them where they have moved certain aspects that we see at our planning table—like plans of subdivision—to a delegated staff space instead of a more Council and public-based process.”

Councillor Roy Pennell didn’t see the harm in doing an external review.

“If the system isn’t broken, there won’t have to be any changes,” he said. “I believe with all of the business going on in the Province, and how they are changing the rules, we should be giving our planners all the tools available that we might not be aware of.”

Worried about the specific word “streamlined” being in the resolution, Councillor Janice Maynard said she could only support a slightly altered version.

“Planning is regulated. Improved service delivery is fine, but to streamline the process, to fast track things and then end up missing important information that we should have considered, I can’t support that.”

Councillor Braney agreed to a friendly amendment that would take the word streamline out.

How can we do better and be better?” asked Councillor Phil St-Jean. “That is how I am looking at it. If a third party can help us identify ways to support our staff for them to do their jobs better and to help make our decisions better, absolutely.”

St-Jean then mentioned Council might see this process being used in other areas of its municipal business.

Citing his past experience as senior vice president at the Canadian Association of Broadcasters, Councillor Bill Roberts recalled when two of his clients—Global and CTV—asked for a third party study to bring to light all of the waste at the CBC and compare it to how efficient the other two clients were

“Both of them decided not to release the results, because it turns out that at that particular moment in time, the CBC was much more efficient and value for dollar than either Global or CTV,” said Roberts. “I am not going to prejudge the outcome of this third party review. I have seen them before, and they can sometimes surprise you.”

The motion passed in a 12-1 recorded vote, with only Councillor MacNaughton opposed. Councillor Sam Branderhorst was absent.

The CAO was directed to engage an external firm and report back to Council with a proposed procurement scope, timeline and budget for the external review.

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