A winning combination

You may have read that Roots Canada is using County locations as the backdrop for its Christmas season catalogue and that a visit to the County will be the grand prize in the company’s international scratch and win contest. Mayor Robert Quaiff has been all superlative in announcing the relationship: “The ability to reach over one million people with a chance to visit Prince Edward County has a huge potential,” he states in a press release.
The County economic development people are equally enthused. They figure the Roots exposure will attract young adults aged 18- 35 with money to spend, either as visitors or as potential residents (although some of them might be slightly disappointed to find that our economic development tentacles don’t extend to preventing potential public school closures). So if you’ve seen some hipster-clad fashion models posing around County landmarks recently, there is a logical explanation for it.
But what hasn’t become public until now is that the County has also just landed another equally big marketing deal. I’ll give you a clue. The headquarters of the new partner is in Truro, Nova Scotia. All right, and a second clue. The company is known for its combinations. Now I suspect that anyone over 60 has figured out the answer already. That’s correct: the company is Stanfield’s. The company says of itself “Stanfield’s takes pride in all its products and will always stand by our basic policy of ‘the best product at reasonable prices.’ Fashion forward and technologically advanced, Stanfield’s is a specialist in underwear products and has rightfully earned its reputation as ‘the Underwear Company’.” No wonder County officials are over the moon with excitement.
We have been shown a draft press release in which the mayor is reputed to say: “This additional partnership is an incredible opportunity for the County. It moves our dream of repaving County Road 49 one step closer to reality, and will bring all kinds of wonderful people to live in and visit the County. Someone has to keep the weekly bingo games and church suppers going.”
The project will be a real plus for Stanfield’s. “Right now, our website just features models shot from the neck down, wearing our combinations against a plain grey or white background. Just imagine how much more we could sell if we could show happy people frollicking on Wellington Beach in our long underwear,” said a spokesperson. Stanfield’s will also be doing its bit to promote the County: its newspaper advertisements will contain the mailing address of all the bus tour operators offering travel to the County. One lucky shopper will also be awarded a complimentary Stanfield’s T-shirt.
The idea of featuring underwear models in County settings is not a new one. In the winter of 2014-2015, an attempt was made to photograph Victoria’s Secret models at Sandbanks Park, but had to be abandoned. Apparently, some hard feelings were generated when the models discovered Outlet Beach was nowhere near an indoor shopping mall. The last of the frostbite lawsuits was settled about six months ago, without any admission of liability on the part of the County, according to our sources. “We’re not worried about the exposure,” said one County official. “There’s a reason people wear combinations, and what better way to demonstrate that than having them shot outdoors in the County in November.”
So its going to be opportunity time for County entrepreneurs as new visitors are expected to pour in. Last week’s Times contained an advertisement from an about-to-be-opened laundromat: the owners obviously anticipate heightened demand for laundry shrinkage services so as to keep up with 18- to 35-year-old fashion trends. Who knows what else might happen. Will a retail outlet specializing in digestive health products and aimed at the 60-plus customer open up? Will Stanfield’s and Roots open pop up tables at the Wellington Farmers’ Market next year?
Admittedly, there will be some minor inconveniences to contend with. For the first two weeks of November, during the Stanfield’s photography sessions, the Loyalist Parkway will be restricted to westbound traffic only between Consecon and Bloomfield and the Wellington Beach area will be closed to dogs. Pedestrians will be permitted to use the beach, but are requested not to make eye contact with the long underwear models, who are here to do their job and get out with their dignity intact. There is also a rumour—unconfirmed at press time—that local residents will be invited to audition for roles as subjects of the shoot. After all, who better to brave the winter cold than people who live here?
What a winning combination: Roots and Stanfield’s!
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