
And then what?

Posted: June 27, 2019 at 9:38 am   /   by   /   comments (0)

And then what? I have so much to say about last week’s Pride@St. Greg’s. So many things. First of all, you and I know the world is rife with people who think the way Robert Chisholm thinks. For the most part, we won’t be able to change their minds no matter what we say or what we do. Deep in their beings, the Robert Chisholms of the world are absolutely certain their stand on the LGBTTQQIAAP is ordained by “the Lord”. People, like Robert, firmly believe the world is as black and as white as the pages of an “old timey” newspaper. People, like Robert, can’t see how the front page has changed to reflect inclusiveness, love, embracing of differences and encouraging understanding. The Roberts aren’t likely going to change, but we have to stop making excuses for them. Their behaviour is, plain and simple, “bad behaviour”. Their behaviour is bullying. They are asking people, like the congregation of St. Gregory’s and other Christian communities, to put inclusive love, friendships and relationships aside in favour of hatred, enmity and exclusion.

After the Sunday gathering at St. Greg’s, someone asked, “And, now what happens?” Well that is a very good question. I have probably spent far too much time thinking about my response. To start, I understood the question to mean, “and now what happens to the Robert Chisholms?” If you know me, and some of you do, you know that clearing my mind (to focus on one issue) is difficult. First of all, it occurred to me we don’t have to say anything more to the Robert Chisholms. As a community, we very clearly let him, and people like him, know how we feel about their cold and unfeeling words. What we can do is continue to show them how to is possible to become a truly kind and loving person by being kind and loving. The Roberts don’t seem to understand kindness or loving. True love is missing from their lives. As a community, we can show them that in spite of what they say, we will always be available to people who need our support, our love and our inclusive embrace. But we do not need to be any louder in our words, or any more persuasive in our actions. We just need to show love and understanding. More love and understanding than the Robert Chisholms of this community, and of this world, are capable of doing.

Again, we should not excuse this type of behaviour and we cannot stand to hear support for this type of conduct. We do not need Robert Chisholm’s permission to love and be loved. We do not need Robert Chisholm’s permission to be kind and to expect kindness of others. The truth is, the Robert Chisholms of this world are not capable of looking away from themselves to see the beauty in others. They are not capable of being open-minded. They don’t know how to be selfless. They always have to be right. The Robert Chisholms don’t know how and don’t care why their actions negatively affect others.

So, now what happens? Well, now we have to continue to show love, selflessness and kindness, every day to everyone who needs it. What happens is we become an example of love and kindness to the Robert Chisholms of the world.

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