
Balancing on the Edge

Posted: August 15, 2024 at 10:21 am   /   by   /   comments (0)

Didja watch the Olympics? I don’t know about all y’all, but this year LOML and I watched more of the events than we ever have in the past. I’m going out on a balance beam to say, “It was an exciting escape from the harsh reality of the Age of Destruction in which we currently live.” I’ll bet anyone who spent any time watching the broadcasts, or the sports news reviews, had a favourite moment. If you’re anything like me, and I’ll bet you aren’t, you found a brand new favourite event every single day. Myself, well I thought I was going to be happy just watching gymnastics. And, for the most part, it was pretty exciting. And then?

Well, and then I realized how good I felt when I was watching all of the athletes who’d spent so many years perfecting their craft. It’s been a long, long time since I was so engaged, as an audience member, in any kind of sporting event, especially the Olympics. A very long time. I found myself cheering for everyone who had made “their team”. Everyone who competed became my new hero. Imagine putting all of the hatred and animosity down, settling back and watching people shine at something other than backstabbing, finger pointing, mud-slinging and just plain old nastiness. For the most part, this is what the Olympics did for me this year. It literally renewed my faith in humanity. The 2024 Games helped me forget about the chaos of the good ole US of A and the bloodbath in the Middle East, the excluded Russians, all of out-of-control forest fires, insanely hot weather, climate change and the price of groceries. None of those problems have been resolved, but for a few days in the middle of the summer of 2024 those things didn’t overwhelm me or the newsfeeds. For a few days this summer I put cynicism aside and enjoyed all of the sporting challenges that could be crammed into a couple of hours each day.

Who didn’t love Summer McIntosh, Ethan Katzberg, Camryn Rogers, Deguchi and Andre DeGrasse? How about those skateboarders, the divers, the breakers!, Rugby Sevens and Kayak Cross! I learned a lesson or two with the controversy over boxer Imane Khelif. Never judge a boxer by their appearance or your insecurities. And I laughed as hard as the rest of you did when the “pole” vaulter didn’t quite clear the bar. I have two words of advice for him next time out—“tighty whities”. By the way, it wasn’t a wardrobe malfunction. And speaking about what it wasn’t, it wasn’t the Last Supper, kiddies. As far as statistics go, and do I love me some statistics, who would have guessed that over eleven thousand athletes took part in the 2024 Olympic Games? Eleven thousand, eight hundred and four, if accuracy is what we’re after. Speaking of accuracy, I think I was especially intrigued by the fellow from Turkey in the Pistol Shooting event. In my dreams I’m that cool, calm and collected. What the heck does he do for a living when he’s at home? How about Bob the Cap Catcher or when Marie Antoinette met Heavy Metal or the American Cheerleaders Snoop Dog and Martha or Ilona Maher taking on the body-shamers or those cardboard beds or Henrik The Muffin Man or Nedorosckik the Pommel Horse Guy or the Fencer from Egypt who is seven months pregnant. I’m so chuffed by all of it. If you know me, and let’s face it you don’t, you’d know I’ve never really been a fan of Celine Dion but she definitely caught me off guard with her stunning opening song, her rendition of Edith Piaf’s classic, L’Hymne à l’Amour. I know, Dion wasn’t a competitor, but it was a huge, personal achievement for her to attend and then belt that song out the way she did. And to round it all out, Yseult “did it my way” at the closing of the games!

And here we are, it’s half past August and to quote Cate Campbell, “I’m not dreaming of any podiums or medals that I can put around my neck. I’m just focusing on what I need to do today in order to be better tomorrow.”

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