County News
Before it’s gone

Lucky observers may catch a glimpse of the Spicebush Swallowtail at Ostrander Point on the weekend. This swallowtail’s larva is rather fond of the spicebush, a flowering plant which may be found in Prince Edward County according to Paul Catling’s Field Guide to Butterflies of Prince Edward County and the surrounding region.
Bioblitz event this weekend seeks to understand the nature of Ostrander Point
Paul Catling spent the long weekend tromping through fields and woodlands in Prince Edward County, searching for undiscovered species of plants, animals and insects. The highly regarded taxonomist and researcher works for the federal government in the department of agriculture and agrifood. But his passion is the hunt for the rare and unique, and in the County he found a treasure trove.
Dr. Catling provided compelling and captivating testimony about the rare alvar habitat at Ostrander Point before an environmental review tribunal (ERT) last year that examined the potential impact of a proposed industrial wind project nearby. The ERT revoked the developer’s permit—effectively stopping the project—persuaded by the serious and irreversible impact the project would likely have on the Blanding’s turtle. An appeal is set to be heard later this year.
One of the troubling items emerging from Catling’s testimony, echoed by others including the developer’s consultant, was just how little is known about the flora and fauna that dwell and nest, or migrate through, Ostrander Point.
The Prince Edward County Field Naturalists (PECFN), the volunteer group that launched the appeal of the Ostrander Point industrial wind project and has pushed it through several layers of appeals, is hosting a 24-hour Bioblitz at Ostrander Point this weekend—beginning at noon on Saturday and ending at noon on Sunday.
The goal is to gather a biological inventory of the site and raise awareness of the rich diversity of nature present at Ostrander Point in midsummer. To do this PECFN is seeking the participation of anyone with an interest in the natural world.
“Residents, families, students, vacationers—anyone who wants to see and learn about the plants, birds, butterflies, moths, other insects, amphibians, reptiles and mammals of this special area,” said Myrna Wood, chair of PECFN.
No experience is required. Instruction and guidance will be available. There are a variety of structured activities planned for the two-day event.
They include:
◘ An intoductory walk at noon Saturday for an overview of the site and the habitats present;
◘ Ongoing programs through the day and evening investigating and searching for butterflies, moths and other insects;
◘ An early—morning birding walk on Sunday, led by Terry Sprague;
◘ A chance for inde pendent observations and reporting to base camp; and
◘ Hear the whip-poor- wills on Saturday evening.
It will also be the last full moon of the summer.
Participants are encouraged to come out for an hour, an afternoon or for the full 24 hours.
“But be sure to come to the wrap-up on Sunday at noon when highlights of the CountyBioblitz will be summarized,” said Wood, “and everyone can compare notes on what they saw.”
Dr. Catling recently released a field guide to the butterflies of PrinceEdwardCounty— home to a diverse—and in some cases rare—array of species. In fact, half the documented sightings of the Juniper hairstreak butterfly in Canada have occurred in the County.
It is impossible to predict what the future holds for Ostrander Point. Consider spending some time there this weekend, to understand what is at stake.
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