County News
Behind the berm

Community group challenging Picton Terminals’ zoning in courtroom this October
Neighbours of Picton Terminals, and those living on Picton Bay and those folks who get municipal drinking water from the bay are increasingly alarmed at the industrialization of the property. While the shallow port has a long history of receiving salt, many feel the amount of material being being stored and transported through the port facility is unprecedented. Of particular note is the long pile of salt perched along the edge (top of the photo) of the escarpment that descends into the bay. Neighbours complain the escarpment wall has been coloured by the salt flowing into the bay.
The residents are further upset by excavation occurring on the southeast corner of the property (top left in the photograph). They believe Picton Terminals is mining limestone from the pit, a land use they contend is not permitted under the company’s zoning. Just to the east of the terminal are residential homes. The most immediate neighbour complains that the material stored on Picton Terminals site has killed all life in the pond (visible top left on the photograph) on his property.
The community group Save Picton Bay are challenging Picton Terminals’ zoning in a courtroom in October. Picton Terminals says this property has been used as a port and storage facility for aggregate and other materials for decades—before its acquisition of the property. It is, in their view, a legal—though nonconforming— use of their property. They believe they are permitted by existing rules to do what they are doing.
Save Picton Bay is also nudging regulatory agencies such as Ministry of Environment to monitor more closely the operations and activities at Picton Terminals and to enforce the regulations to protect the vulnerable body of water.
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