Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. A stranger pulls a tanker truck up to the Belleville plant at the bottom of Sidney Street. They fill their massive container, paying $2.42 for each cubic metre of water they take. The water may be destined to lubricate Donald Trump’s personal water slide at Mar-a-Lago. It […]
Decks and beaches
A mixed bag this week. Those who prefer their commentary favour the sunny and hopeful will be encouraged to stop reading at the end of the first bit. SUNNY BIT The County’s Development Services Department will present a proposal this week for a top-to-bottom update to its menu of fees. Everything from subdivision applications to […]
To view the Draft Official Plan. click here. It is a good plan. Not a great one—but good enough. The County’s Official Plan rewrite celebrates its tenth birthday this year. An awkward age—no longer precocious, but neither has this ten-year-old cultivated the guile or confidence to navigate the world with surefootedness. The 2021 draft OP—while […]
First, an apology. I questioned Councillor Phil St-Jean’s motivations on the affordable housing file over the last two issues. While I remain puzzled by his methods and priorities, I was wrong to interpret them as insincere. He demonstrated his conviction by speaking and voting (in a losing cause) to support a much-needed townhouse project on […]
The crisis of affordable living in Prince Edward County must first be defined, according to a committee of council last week. “We need to know the problem we are trying to solve,” explained Councillor Phil St- Jean (Picton) to several nodding heads on the Zoom meeting on Thursday. “Then you can formulate a plan to […]
Horse with no name
The barn doors still swing wildly when the wind picks up. Meanwhile, the horse has been gone so long no one can quite remember what it looked like. Yet Council will make a show this week of attempting to bar the door. Or burn the barn to the ground. To teach that horse a lesson. […]
Problem definition
Affordability is dead. The dream of owning a modest or starter home no longer exists in Prince Edward County. It wasn’t so long ago that one could find a home for $200,000 or $250,000. At that level, homeownership was within reach for these folks. But those days are gone now, and unlikely to return. The […]
Vigilante rule
County planning staff have spent five years examining a proposal to add 337 more trailer sites to Quinte’s Isle Campground. They’ve studied the plans, made revisions, and assessed the impact on this community’s environment, roads, community, water, and character. They’ve ensured that these assessments were peer-reviewed and bulletproof. They’ve consulted with neighbours, Indigenous communities, and […]
Boiling frogs
Ever had the dream in which you suddenly found yourself naked in public—school, work, the bus? I don’t attach much weight to the significance of dreams, so the naked-in-public scenario doesn’t arouse much curiosity about a deeper meaning. But I will admit there is one bit I do puzzle over: How it happened. How might […]
The Wellington Times was thrust awkwardly into the culture wars last week, not from its reporting or commentary, but by way of an advertisement presented in its pages. Some have perceived the message of the notice as promoting hate toward an identifiable group. This newspaper believes that while the ad’s content is offensive and misguided, […]