Protect and keep safe
Imagine for a moment, a place where independent, educated folks protected our water. Our air. Endangered species. Natural habitat. And the health of the environment. Imagine that this was their job. That we recruited the brightest and best to do this on our behalf. Imagine that we could rely on them, wholly and utterly, to […]
Duties and responsibilties
Things went terribly wrong at the Prince Edward County Children’s Aid Society (PECCAS). For a long time. Defenceless children were put in harm’s way, by the folks entrusted to care for them. Repeatedly. Given over to deviant predators, the PECCAS knew, or had reason to suspect, would violate these kids in the most vile and […]
Criminal neglect
They were the most vulnerable. Children. Young children. They had grown up in homes so chaotic, with parents so broken, the state had been compelled to intervene. They were removed from their homes, from their family. Some temporarily. Others would never return. And so they entered the system. Somewhere they would be safe. Protected. A […]
What could be
Marjorie Wiltse knows the debate well. She’s heard it all before. In nine decades living in Wellington, Marjorie has documented the changing face of the village. Each week she shares with Times’ readers an image retrieved from her personal archives that tells a story about what the village was and about the people who built […]
The numbers
To read the report prepared by Ernie Margetson describing the heritage value of the convenience store in Wellington, please click here. It’s a good conversation. An important one. But surely the value of the County’s heritage architecture can be considered outside the rigid bounds of dollars and cents. Isn’t it possible, that part of the […]
It’s about heritage
Yes, it is an eyesore. But the simple truth is that any building, majestic or humble, will appear down in the mouth after a decade or so without improvement. Without repair. Its past two years spent empty and derelict. It is not, however, an argument for smashing the convenience store in the heart of Wellington. […]
I fully and unreservedly retract any inference in my column The Land of John (February 28, 2018) that John Thompson has acted in anything other than an honourable and professional manner. Any other interpretation was not, and is not, my intention. I have always held John Thompson in high professional esteem, and continue to do […]
Well before the County purchased the Prince Edward County Rail line as a Millennial year project, there were folks who dreamed about what it might become. Those who with breathless enthusiasm imagined the development of similar railway line trails like the Coeur d’Alene trail in Idaho or the Great Allegheny Passage in Pennsylvania as powerful […]
OMB is dead
Council has suddenly become a more powerful beast. As of yesterday, it now rules land planning in this community with lethal finality. While the province shrinks away from its role as a final arbiter, Queen’s Park is downloading the authority of what gets built and where, almost entirely into the hands of local government. (Of […]
Who’s sorry now?
There is a rethink happening in smart chattering circles in these last days of the provincial election campaign. Kathleen Wynne is, according to this fresh pondering, being judged too harshly, perhaps irrationally by voters in this province. And thus the #sorrynotsorry narrative that has emerged in the dying days of this campaign. She is sorry […]