If not this, then what?
I will happily give Councillor Bill Roberts the last word in the debate about the best way to raise money for the County’s roads, bridges and waterworks. But not today. The good councillor acknowledges that the crisis faced by rural communities across this province is “serious” and “structural”. That means he knows there isn’t a […]
These words are long overdue. I suggest that for many, Prince Edward County would be unrecognizable were it not for the generosity and kindness of Lanny and Catharine Huff. There is scarcely a corner, a cultural activity or community gathering place that has not benefited from their grace. Their thoughtfulness. Their good-heartedness. The newly invigorated […]
A conversation. At last. Buried in the Sophiasburgh councillor’s desire to shape and civilize the dialogue, there is the kernel of an argument. A basis, perhaps, for debate. (See Letters page 7). It is surely one of the oldest democratic conundrums— how to tax and pay for the things government do—yet, it is as important […]
Kathleen Wynne said no. With an election looming in June, the Ontario premier shot down the proposal made by the gathered municipal leaders last week in Ottawa. They had come to ask her to increase the harmonized sales tax (HST) by one per cent to help fund the rehabilitation of crumbling municipal infrastructure from Kenora […]
Ontario is currently working toward another electricity import deal with Quebec. It is likely a good thing. Most of our neighbour’s electricity is generated by massive hydro dams on the James Bay and St. Lawrence watershed—so, by today’s convoluted meaning of the word, it is clean. It is also reliable and manageable—the opposite of the […]
Let’s talk
There are no easy solutions to the County’s financial woes. Those who say otherwise aren’t telling you the truth. Or don’t understand the numbers. Neither of which is an acceptable or tolerable situation when uttered by an elected County official. There are, however, practical, workable things we can do to alter the County’s fated financial […]
A parable
Imagine a place not unlike this one—resplendent with natural beauty, hundreds of kilometres of freshwater shoreline and a tranquil population—unfussed by the busy making at the shire hall. While most everyone suspected something was wrong inside those walls—there seemed nothing to be gained by looking closer. There was too much positive, enchanting and distracting about […]
Once and for all
Story: Rick Conroy Few will mourn the end of the size-ofcouncil debate. It was, for most, a discussion occurring on the fringes—with little direct impact on our daily lives, jobs or taxes. The issue only gained wide public interest after council chose to put the question on the ballot in the municipal election of 2010—and […]
Behaving badly
Belleville. Man, you folks are on a roll. Most weeks, The Times keeps its focus trained on County government and Shire Hall—but the spectacular antics coming out of your City Hall lately demand special attention—in the way badly behaving children sometimes do. First the casino. Wow, did you folks ever need that. Few jurisdictions in […]
Policy fail
Weariness is no excuse for bad decision- making. Sadly, too many issues, great and small, are decided around Shire Hall’s council table by fatigue. Not by insight. Not by argument. Not with a preponderance of evidence. But rather because council is tired. They just don’t want to talk about it anymore. What this means is […]