Stop talking
That was one ‘State of Emergency’ too far. After Mayor Robert Quaiff declared to the world last week that Prince Edward County was submerged under water and too frail to fill our own sandbags—visitors began calling and cancelling plans to visit the County. County businesses were forced to divert resources and time to reassuring prospective […]
Not a mystery
Like the teenaged detectives in a Hardy Boys mystery, many on council believe they’ve figured out who the culprits are. And now they are going to follow the clues, track down the bad guys and bring them to justice. And as in those stories, several of our intrepid council members seem bound to jump to […]
Thin protection
I don’t think Dalton McGuinty fully understood how much it would cost to move two gas generating plants from Mississauga to Oakville. I don’t think he knew that it would deplete the already pillaged Ontario treasury by more than a billion dollars. Billion with a b. Or that moving these unwanted and unneeded electricity generating […]
Telling stories
Truth be told, it was a simple case of fraud. Thirteen years ago, I had no experience or training in running a newspaper. Armed only with the arrogance of a newcomer from the city and an unhealthy confidence in my own views, I acquired the Wellington Times from Gord Dancey in April 2004. A few […]
Well served
It must be said, without condition or reservation, that Prince Edward County residents, particularly those living in Picton and Bloomfield, have been well served by their municipal officials over the past couple of weeks. These folks responded with calm, clear and direct action to ward off a threat to the town and village’s water supply. […]
Track record
It has happened before. Big, course-shifting changes have altered the trajectory of Shire Hall in the recent past. It can happen again. For a decade after amalgamation, the County’s finances were a mess. Budgeting was a fiction never reconciled with reality. At least not out in the open where one could see it. Department and […]
There is only one issue in Prince Edward County. And until we fix it, all others are secondary. This may seem a bit stark. But perhaps a better way to state it is that everything we want the County to be, or aspire to become depends on getting one thing fixed. And we have to […]
Thirteen days ago, Hunter Gunski, a long, rangy defenceman with the Wellington Dukes, fell to the ice after being hit in the face by the puck. His jaw shattered. Hunter spent the night in the hospital. His team went home with a win. Hunter was discharged from hospital and travelled home to Goffstown, New Hampshire […]
Theatre of the absurd
Who owns Hillier Hall? It is the only public space in the former township. There are no schools, no church halls or community centres in Hillier. Built in 1867, Hillier Hall has served as the community hub for as long as Canada has existed. It is where couples came to be celebrated after their marriage […]