Royal leadership
As if thus arranged, the morning’s grey and sputtering skies suddenly gave way to glorious sunshine just as Prince Charles and his wife Camilla stepped out of their car in Wellington on Friday afternoon. The Royal Couple were a bit late—which, as it turned out, permitted market vendors and well-wishers near ideal conditions with which […]
Our stories
I had the opportunity last month to drive across a part of our country. From Prince Edward County to Slave Lake, Alberta and back, by way of Grasslands National Park in southernmost Saskatchewan, Banff and Jasper in Alberta. Each of these national treasures is accessible for free in this anniversary year celebrating the founding of […]
Keep digging
To be clear, the County’s waterworks utility defies easy solutions. It is a hodgepodge of pipes, pumps and buildings spread across six corners of the County, its tentacles stretching into Belleville and Quinte West. None of pieces fit well together, many are nearing the end of their useful lives, all require significant investment. Meanwhile, the […]
The County is surrounded by so much clean, fresh water. Lake Ontario reaches its deepest point a few kilometres off South Marysburgh, descending 244 metres to the lake bottom. This Great Lake contains 393 million cubic metres of fresh water, lapping up onto 800 kilometres of Prince Edward County shore. So why is Prince Edward […]
Neighbourhood rising
This can be a beginning—a place to start. Something transformational. Something important. The challenges stemming from the utter lack of affordable places to live for many in Prince Edward County are clear. The evidence abundant. They reach far beyond those directly impacted— it is our former neighbours, friends and co-workers forced to live in Belleville […]
Economic wonder
As predictable as the quilt of dandelions covering park lawns after a May rainshower, the first significant thrust of visitors on the County on Victoria Day weekend invariably triggers the grumbling about the value of tourism. Accustomed to getting in and out of Tim Hortons while their tea is still piping hot, a trip through […]
Theatre of the absurd
Who owns Hillier Hall? It is the only public space in the former township. There are no schools, no church halls or community centres in Hillier. Built in 1867, Hillier Hall has served as the community hub for as long as Canada has existed. It is where couples came to be celebrated after their marriage […]
Stop talking
That was one ‘State of Emergency’ too far. After Mayor Robert Quaiff declared to the world last week that Prince Edward County was submerged under water and too frail to fill our own sandbags—visitors began calling and cancelling plans to visit the County. County businesses were forced to divert resources and time to reassuring prospective […]
Not a mystery
Like the teenaged detectives in a Hardy Boys mystery, many on council believe they’ve figured out who the culprits are. And now they are going to follow the clues, track down the bad guys and bring them to justice. And as in those stories, several of our intrepid council members seem bound to jump to […]
Inside the sausage factory
Mayor Quaiff knew it wouldn’t work. He understood the Ontario Municipal Board would look badly upon his council’s decision-making on the issue. He knew that by failing to complete the process council itself had framed, an objective reader of electoral law in Canada would be hard pressed to say he and his colleagues had met […]