Say anything
The race is on. The clock is ticking. Shire Hall can feel opposition mounting to massive waterworks spending across Prince Edward County. Meanwhile, their explanations don’t add up. The marketing spin is a thin fabric of half-truths, breadcrumbs leading nowhere, and the slipperiest of red herrings. The argument that developers were paying for any it […]
There is that moment when Wile E. Coyote pursues the Roadrunner through a cloud of dust, emerging on the other side to find himself beyond the cliff’s edge. Suspended momentarily in mid-air, Mr. Coyote looks forlornly to the camera and then holds up a sign that reads: HELP! Only when Mr. Coyote recognizes his fate […]
Over the course of two road trips this spring, I was fortunate to have travelled the breadth of the continental United States. Coast to coast. Rhode Island in April and across the great expanse of the plains to Seattle last week. It truly is a magnificent, glorious, and, at times, a sorrily decadent place. (Travelling […]
Legislating civility
Asimmering unease is wafting across the shire. An edginess in the discourse. A restlessness fuelled by a sense that the elected council is talking down to residents—a growing feeling that Shire Hall has stopped listening or no longer cares what folks outside its walls think. The malaise, so far, has mostly taken the form of […]
Who says?
Who says Prince Edward County’s population is growing? Who says the population is doubling in the foreseeable future? Who says Wellington is growing seven times its current size to 14,500 people and Picton by six times to 32,600? If it sounds incredible to you—as in, not credible at all—it should. The County’s population has remained […]
An audit committee is meant to serve as a protective layer. Ideally, it is a stoic, ever-watchful guardian over an organization’s finances. It is supposed to be the early warning detector that signals when the ship strays off course. Lists to one side. Or is heading toward an iceberg. The audit committee is there to […]
Unwelcome advice
AMilford man has devised a better way to look at Shire Hall spending. It is objectively better because his method tracks Shire Hall’s spending over time, simplifies spending into logical spending buckets and compares actual performance year over year. It is easy to read and understand. But this isn’t how Shire Hall does things. It […]
No mandate
We did not sign up for this. Council did not earn a mandate to drain the resources of Prince Edward County. Forever. It has no popular basis for piling on forever costs and debt onto residents. It did not advise voters of its plan to foreclose funding options for a generation or longer. It didn’t […]
Lawyer up
County Council needs a lawyer. That was the advice suggested last week by a reader steeped in the risks and hazards of governance. The files are too big. Too complex. Too fraught with risk for Council simply to “trust” staff. Trust in staff is the crutch municipal council members lean on as they wade through […]
No. Thank you.
Give it back. Should the province approve an $18.3 million grant for County waterworks expected this month, I pray, as a water customer, Council says: No, thank you. It is not as though the water utility couldn’t use the money—it can—but rather that Shire Hall is likely to hold up this pittance as a reason— […]