Lost water
Cottage resort owners seek relief from $13,000 water bill Consider this: a pipe bursts on your property, sending thousands of gallons of water back into the ground from whence it came. This goes on undetected for months. If it’s your own well, your pump might give out—or the source dry up. But if you’re on […]
Teachers strike
Elementary teachers in Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board will stage a one day strike on Wednesday December 12, according to the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario, Hastings-Prince Edward Local. About 10,400 elementary students at 42 schools will be affected by the one-day work stoppage
Skid continues
Dukes look to rebound at home The Dukes’ losing streak stretched to five games with a pair of tough losses on the road over the weekend. More worrying is the growing list of players sidelined due to injury, combined with those playing with a variety of ailments. It is the toughest patch this young and […]
A point of view
Residents force change of plans The developer of a prospective retirement complex on the grounds surrounding the McFarland Memorial Home in Picton will present its plans to residents, family and concerned citizens today. Nautical Lands Group plans were buffeted by a strong breeze on Tuesday night as a group of residents of the nursing home […]
New board, few answers
Highland Shores takes first steps in the County The first board meeting of the freshly assembled directors of the Prince Edward Children’s Aid Society offered few outward signs of the turmoil that must surely swirl inside the walls of the organization these days. Last month the troubled local agency, under fire for a series of […]
Celestial sounds
Ancient music resurrected in unique performance What does early music mean to you? For some it may refer to Chuck Berry or Tommy Dorsey. Or Mario Lanza perhaps. But for Holly Gwynne-Timothy the love of early music casts her back eight centuries to the mystical allure of the chants and ethereal music found in the […]
Baby step
Council dithers over size of council Council inched forward last week toward honouring the intention of voters expressed in a ballot question more than two years ago. However it wasn’t clear that a process can be initiated and completed in time to put into effect any proposed changes. The size of council has vexed Shire […]
New direction
Putting the pieces back together again Mark Kartusch has a tough job. And it just got a whole lot tougher. Kartusch was handpicked to bring together the operations of the newly amalgamated Children’s Aid Societies of Hastings and Northumberland. With the merged agency, Highland Shores, not yet a year old, and the kinks still being […]
Hard points
Crafting policy proves harder than seat-of-the-pants decision making Once again council has become mired in developing a policy that will govern how, and to whom, it will grant its two priority points—points it can choose to award to developers of renewable energy projects in this community. As part of recent changes to the Ontario government’s […]
Don’t fade away
Proud history needs innovative adaptation For sale: well-used and productive barn that time has passed by. For more than century, this Morrison Point barn has provided income for several generations. It has offered shelter for its animals and storage for its feed, without which the animals could not survive the long North Marysburgh winter. The […]