Fancy birds
Raising pigmy pouter pigeons for fun The sound of contented cooing changes into a flutter of wings as David Stuckey opens the door to the loft containing his pigmy pouter pigeons. The birds have only a passing resemblance to their feral kin, in that the head and beak look similar, as does the colouration. But […]
Helping youth
ROC helps County youth access services Navigating the myriad services available to youth can sometimes be overwhelming, and a pilot program that has been operating over the past four months at the ROC is making it a bit easier for County youth to find the supports they need. The Youth Support Navigation Service (YSNS) is […]
Educating The Times
Dear Corey Engelsdorfer Editor, Owner The Wellington Times Further to the inclusion of a paid advertisement by CAWSBAR on March 10, 2021 in The Wellington Times, we are a group of County residents who are transgender, who ask you to place this letter and attached infographic as a full page insertion in an upcoming publication […]
Beginning birdwatching
Be still, and they will come For the past few weeks, the mornings have had a different sound. Birdsong, absent for many months, has now returned at dawn. Robins are making the early morning wake-up call. Male cardinals, resplendent in their red coats, have found their voice and are staking out their territory. Those living […]
All Welcome Here
BIPOC-led group seek clear path forward from council Judith Burfoot, founder of the Prince Edward County organization All Welcome Here (AWH), began her deputation to council last Tuesday night by saying, according to the last Statistics Canada Census conducted in 2016, five per cent of the County’s population identifies as black, Indigenous and people of […]
New small business grants
Province announces new funding to help tourism industry The Ontario government is providing $200 million to small businesses in the tourism industry in an effort to stabilize the sector and to protect jobs that have been under constant threat over the past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. MPP Todd Smith, Minister of Children, Community […]
Standing strong
Community responds to hurtful ad in Times Over a hundred people took part in protest rally at Wellington Park on Sunday after a hurtful and divisive advertisement was published in the March 10 edition of the Times. Couched in the language of women’s rights, the ad was an attack on transgender people, and there was […]
The Art of Conversation
Community Care connects isolated seniors with local artists Connecting older adults in the community with local artists has fostered not only meaningful engagement and conversation in this time of a pandemic, but lasting friendships too. The Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Association in conjunction with the Prince Edward County Arts Council (PECAC) have […]
Coming home
1865: Reuben Pearce resumes life in Wellington Back in the day, Reuben Pearce was just a regular farmer, a family man, and a respected member of the Wellington community where he lived and farmed on County Road 2, just like many others of the time. It was an odd and sudden decision that saw Reuben […]
I made a mistake
I published an advertisement last week that has hurt some of our neighbours in this community. This was not my intent. It is clear that my actions caused harm to members of the community. The countless emails, phone calls, Instagram tags and Facebook posts have not fallen on deaf ears. I have taken some time […]