County News
Clown assault

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Prince Edward County Detachment is currently investigating an assault that occurred in Macaulay Village.
On the 15th of October 2016 at approximately 04:27 AM, a male called police, indicating he had been punched in the face by an unknown person dressed in a clown costume. The victim was transported to hospital and sustained minor injuries as a result of the attack.
The assailant was described as wearing clown mask with rainbow hair, a black shirt, black pants and red high top shoes.
OPP are continuing to investigate and is seeking the assistance of the public. If anyone has any information they are being asked to contact the Prince Edward County OPP Detachment at 1-888-310-1122.
Anyone with information regarding any break and enter occurrence should immediately contact the Ontario Provincial Police at 1-888-310-1122. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you may call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000.
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