

Posted: September 5, 2024 at 10:50 am   /   by   /   comments (0)

When it comes to driveways, I am not a fan of using interlock for the entire space. I have several reasons why: Often interlock is installed without a proper base. We know that in our climate with lots of freeze-thaw periods, a patio needs at least eight to 10 inches of drainage gravel (base) to ensure that water isn’t being trapped under the stones. When water accumulates and then freezes, the whole patio can heave and shift. A driveway needs a base that is even deeper so that it can handle the freezing cycle, but also so that the weight of the car doesn’t compress the stones or the ice. I also find that smaller paving stones are more easily moved by the weight of a car, allowing for more gaps, which always seem to fill with weeds.

So when Tracy Moore from Cityline asked me to interlock her driveway, I gave her a few alternative options to choose from.

Studies show that a properly installed concrete driveway has the best longevity of all of the driveway surfaces of around 30 years. Unfortunately, it has some pretty big downfalls. Unless properly sealed, gas and oil spills are very obvious on a concrete drive. Although concrete has less maintenance, if you do have to make any repairs, the patches will never match exactly to the weathered original. Concrete pricewise comes in around the middle with companies pricing between $5 and $12 per foot.

Asphalt is the most economical option (next to gravel) for paving your driveway coming in approximately between $4 and $8 per foot. Asphalt doesn’t last as long as concrete, however a well-installed drive can get you around 20 years of use. Unfortunately, asphalt is going to require more maintenance than concrete. However, general upkeep on asphalt is easier and cheaper than concrete. The other great part, patches can be easily hidden with a dark sealer. For homeowners concerned about the environment, using recycled asphalt is also an option.

We are starting to see very big pavers specifically designed for driveways coming into the marketplace. These interlock stones are both heavier and dimensionally larger so that they are better suited for handling the wear-and-tear that a vehicle puts on them. As the most expensive option coming in between $15 and $20 per ft, the beauty of an interlock driveway is undeniable. Repair to individual stones is also quite easy. You can either pop one out and replace it, or even just flip it over to hide the stain.

In the end, it doesn’t matter which option you choose if you don’t ensure that base of the driveway is done properly. When hiring a reputable contractor, make sure they clearly explain what is going under your driveway.

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