County News

Dunes Lookout

Posted: February 28, 2025 at 10:09 am   /   by   /   comments (0)

20 two-bedroom villas proposed for West Lake shore

A proposal for a four-season tourist commercial resort located across from the white Church in West Lake at 1874 County Road 12 was in front of Planning Committee last Wednesday evening as part of the first statutory public meeting.

Picton resident and local Realtor Sean McKinney owns the site with his three brothers Kelly, Tim and Robin. They also share a family cottage 600 metres south of the site.

The property is 4.15 hectares in size and has 157 metres of frontage on West Lake in Shoreland-designated lands. The former tourist camp that was on the property operated for 50 years as a legal non-conforming use. It was host to 18 seasonal trailers and three rental cottages with 10 docks and various outbuildings as well as a duplex on County Road 12.

The applicant is asking for a zoning bylaw amendment to permit 20 two-bedroom bungalow villas, a small guest amenity building, a central dock for swimming and light watersports activities, a reception and bike café in the existing duplex with dedicated pedestrian and cycling access and a walking trail through an existing woodlot. The setbacks from West Lake for all components of the build is 24 metres. The lands will need to be changed from the current Rural zoning to Tourist Commercial zoning along with a Special Tourist Commercial Zone that will have a holding provision until a Stage 4 Archeological Study is completed.

Ruth Ferguson Aulthouse of RFA Planning Consultants said it was important to note that the site isn’t at risk of being overdeveloped according to the zoning standards.

“We agree to limit the uses in the amending zoning bylaw and to cap the density at the proposed 20 cottages,” said Aulthouse. “And furthermore, no boat rentals, marina or other floating commercial activities would be permitted or proposed.”

Aulthouse also noted that the current owners had cleaned up the site significantly since purchasing it in April of 2022.

“The shore area along West Lake has been cleaned up of historical docks, debris and other structures through a permit with Quinte Conservation, and will not be developed and disturbed.”

A public neighbourhood information meeting was organized by the property owner last April and an invitation was provided to all landowners within a 500-metre radius. In response to the concerns generated from the public neighbourhood information meeting, the applicant made changes including updating the fencing and buffering adjacent to Christ Church and Mayne Lane to reflect the requirements of the County’s Zoning By-law with additional buffering to those properties. A number of existing vegetated areas and specific tree rows are also recognized to be retained. The Site Plan was also updated to relocate the centralized dock facility and the communal amenity building. The guest amenity building area has been minimized and the previously proposed pool has been removed. Additionally, more trees along the waterfront were mapped and are intended to be preserved to ensure stability of the shoreline and maintain the existing environment. The position of the villas have also been shifted to allow for greater tree preservation.

Cathie Coultis, chair of the West Lake Community Association raised several concerns including noise, traffic, safety and the environmental impact.

“Additional sound buffers and barriers were requested by residents when we were shown the intitial draft plan. The plan did not show adequate fencing on one side where the residential homes are,” said Coultis. “It’s a given that guest activities at the resort will elevate the level of noise. Who will be mindful and monitor the acceptable level of noise as required in the County’s Noise Bylaw?” she asked.

Coutlis then noted that over the last few years, the community of West Lake had been reaching out the municipality for traffic calming measures on West Lake Road.

“With the potential for two resorts within 1.2 kilometres of each other, as well as the very real potential of increased tourism in the County this year due to more Canadians vacationing at home, the safety of not only the residents but visitors to this area, is at a greater risk with this rezoning application. Neighbours no longer feel safe going for a walk on West Lake Road.”

Coultis finished her comments by noting the sensitive ecosystem the site hosts.

“There are profoundly serious concerns about the human impact on the shoreline and sensitive ecosystem, including the degradation of shoreline and inadequate riparian zone setbacks and the disturbance of habitats for endangered and species-at-risk and migratory birds,” she said.

Don Mayne commended the McKinneys on how well they had cleaned up “a rather tired property”, but worried about the risk of permitting unrestrictred commercial zoning on the property— mostly the possibility of floating commercial activities on the lake.

“Permitting unrestricted commercial zoning on a rural property on West Lake, particularly without controls over floating commercial activities, poses significant risks to the community, the environment, and the long-term sustainability of the lake,” said Mayne. “The lack of municipal authority over such activities can lead to unregulated use, environmental degradation, and conflicts between residents and commercial operators.”

Mayne urged Council that in order to protect the public interest, any water-based commercial activities must be subject to Council approval, environmental assessments, and public consultation.

“The ongoing issues with West Lake Watersports and the developments on Waring’s Creek highlight the need for stricter controls and adherence to Ontario Professional Planners Institute standards of practice. By implementing these measures, Council can ensure that West Lake remains a valuable natural resource for future generations.”

West Lake Road resident Sylvia Kovax was concerned the proposed site could change immensely over time.

“This property could be developed and could be sold on to another developer with a different version of the property, possibly 40 units. The current owners could decide they have to put in more intensification, build a marina, or a spa that are all permitted under tourist commercial.”

Under a new two-step process, no decision on the application was made at the first meeting, which is intended as information-gathering only. Decision by Council will happen at a future second statutory public meeting where staff will provide a report and recommendation.


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