

Posted: June 6, 2024 at 12:50 pm   /   by   /   comments (0)

Like many others—a group that includes municipal employees and members of Council—I have watched, listened to, and read the characterizations of the “staff” of our municipality who have been unfairly derided, criticized and verbally abused concerning information they provide to Council and the public. Individual staff members, including our Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)—whose responsibilities are to provide Council with the necessary thorough and timely information to allow thoughtful and educated decision-making—have been scrutinized and held accountable for all manner of their recommendations to council or their incompetence in the performance of their duties or both.

Karen Valihora’s editorial in the May 22 edition of The Picton Gazette quite correctly described Shire Hall staff as “highly trained professionals. Financial officers, engineers, and administrators.” I will add that staff can also be described as innovative, creative, conscientious, resourceful, and motivated in the performance of duties that are subject to scrutiny every day.

In the same edition of The Gazette, examples of some of those qualities are contained in Chris Fanning’s article about our CAO’s latest quarterly report.

In each edition of the CAO’s report, Marcia Wallace outlines in clear, concise language “information on the key activities and challenges faced by the municipality. Each report offers context on the implementation of Council decisions, particularly budget decisions. The report also provides a look ahead to the next three months.”

Her reports—the first of their kind from the municipality’s CAO’s office, and published since May 2020—are readily available at the municipal website through this link: www.thecounty.ca/government/caos-office/.

Information about the CAO’s extensive background can be found on the same page.

While senior leadership contributions have been, and are, significant, it’s essential to recognize the collective strength of our staff. Together, they create a dynamic and forward-thinking environment, and their dedication, expertise, and unwavering commitment have been instrumental in earning the County its well-earned reputation and the respect of municipalities throughout Ontario.

Staff members consistently demonstrate remarkable teamwork and collaboration as they work together—leveraging their expertise, knowledge, diverse skills and perspectives— to achieve results. Whether it’s tackling complex projects or overcoming obstacles, their ability to collaborate effectively is a true asset, and their commitment to maintaining a positive work environment fosters open communication and mutual trust.

The municipal leadership team led by our CAO brings a wealth of experience to the table. Their strategic vision, knowledge, experience, and problem-solving abilities have been pivotal in shaping our organization’s direction. Their guidance ensures that the municipality stays ahead of the curve and continues to deliver value to our stakeholders.

Whether in the position as our Chief Administrative Officer or in a leadership role in finance, operations, engineering, planning, economic development, facilities management, customer service, emergency services, roads, water and wastewater, or in any role in those or another department in the municipality, we are extremely fortunate to employ the people we do. Each one has been thoroughly vetted before being hired, and each possesses the skills and motivation necessary to undertake their jobs and exceed expectations. It is blatantly unfair that collectively or individually many have been subjected to the unwarranted criticism and scorn that has become so evident in recent months.

Given Prince Edward County’s highly regarded reputation as an innovative municipality whose creative and precedent-setting approaches to issues such as long-term care home financing or up-front payments from developers or reductions in bulk water charges from a neighbouring municipality, any member of our Leadership Team or staff would be a welcome addition to any other municipality—but a considerable loss to our own operations.

I am extremely proud of the work of ALL our employees and the thoughtful creative approaches they bring to the table every day. The mischaracterizations about the character of our staff members and the information they provide to all the members of Council is demoralizing and grossly unfair. I am appreciative of the commentary and context provided by Ms. Valihora’s Editorial.



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