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Goodbye summer

Posted: September 4, 2015 at 8:46 am   /   by   /   comments (0)

I am sure I’ve asked this question before, “Where the heck did the summer go?” September is here, already! Geez, Louise. I promised I would not complain about the heat and the humidity of July and August, and I did not. I promised I would get out, enjoy my yard, my family, my community and my pool. I did. For this, I am rewarded with September. Don’t get me wrong, September is a delightful month, but it isn’t July, and it isn’t August. September is the month that awakens the little voice in my head. That voice is reminding me to get out of the pool and look for the snow shovels before it’s too late. September is the voice urging me to clean the eaves and the downspouts. September is my reminder to move things around in the barn so I can put the lawn furniture away before the sliding doors are frozen shut.

Oh, my. September. At least I won’t be one of the kids heading back to class or, worse, one of the education workers. September always gives me stress because it has so many meanings. Returning to school used to be at the top of my stress list, but I have turned my back on furthering my formal education. September will be my “calm down and enjoy the end of summer” month. If you know me, and one or two of you think you do, you know I’m going to give you a list of events that will be happening in September, in the County. These will keep you relaxed and grounded while the rest of the world thumbs its nose at the equinox.

I’ll start with our five, seasonal, community museums. Maybe you didn’t have time to visit during July and August. I suggest you go in the next few days, because they will close for the season before the end of the month. Heritage Activity Day is on September 6 at Ameliasburgh Museum. It’s an all day thing, and it isn’t just for kids. On the 19th, dig through your sock drawer for your lederhosen and head out to enjoy the annual German Dinner at Rose House Museum. On September 5, 6 and 7, get your “art on” at the Rednersville Road Art Tour. The 180th Picton Fair will take place from September 11-13. The Milford Fair is on September 19, and is a great place to watch the mighty lawn-tractor pull or the dog show. The Sandbanks New Waves Festival takes place on the same day at Sandbanks Provincial Park. It looks like the 19th is going to be a busy day for all of us, so go to bed early on the 18th and be prepared for a whole day of great food, laughs, music, old-fashioned fun and sauerkraut! The Prince Edward County Studio and GalleryTour runs from September 18-20. Visit the artists in their galleries. Buy a bit of art to brighten your house during the long winter months and get your cultural-couth on. If you’re old, as I am, you’ll have to go to the County Antique Show and Sale at the fairgrounds in Picton. I hope the chip truck makes an appearance that day. TASTE! Community Grown is on September 26 and the Ameliasburgh Fall Fair is on September 26 and 27.

Whew! I’ll be too busy in September to worry about snow shovels or where I put the winter boots. I’m going to leave that worrying for October. Ain’t nothing happening in October to get in the way of my frosty weather focus. Right?

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