County News
Grand beginning
Many to be thanked on the opening of a new community centre
“A lot of people describe this place as a proud community,” said Jim Dunlop. “I’ve experienced this pride firsthand over the last two years.” The crowd erupted in well-deserved applause.
Dunlop earned the first standing ovation in the new Wellington and District Community Centre during opening celebrations on Sunday afternoon.
“I remember going to Consecon on Sunday morning,” said Jim. “The kids in the Sunday school program there had organized a bake sale and were donating their earnings to the new arena. It was times like that which reminded me why I was doing this.”
Dunlop says he witnessed an outpouring of support from all walks of life, from service groups to businesses, from individuals to families.
“I don’t think there is a group of folks in the County who haven’t donated to this magnificent building in some way.”
The goal of the fundraising committee, of which Dunlop is chair, is to raise $1.5 million toward the $12 million facility. As of Sunday Dunlop announced he was just $25,000 shy of the committee’s goal— having raised in excess of $1,475,000.
MP Daryl Kramp noted to the thousand-strong gathering that no other building better deserved the name “community centre.”

Nancy Baldwin (left) and Nancy Parks organized and staged the grand opening celebration events to open the new Wellington and District Community Centre.
“You made this happen,” said Kramp representing the federal government which provided a third of the funding. “After all, it is your money. We simply decided your project was ready and represented a lasting legacy.”
Kramp reminded the crowd that this was the first project approved under the federal government’s stimulus spending rolled out last spring.
“That happened because you were ready,” said Kramp.
MPP Leona Dombrowsky said she was overwhelmed by the scale and quality of the new community centre.
“I’ve never had the opportunity to open a facility so grand,” said Dombrowsky on behalf of the province, also in for a third ($4 million). “I am truly honoured to congratulate you on your accomplishment.”
Leo Finnegan spoke on behalf of the former council, under whose guidance the project was begun and largely undertaken.
“It was a total team effort,” said Finnegan, former mayor of the County. “I am pleased to say I was mayor when this facility became a reality.”
The County’s new mayor, Peter Mertens reminded the crowd that the $12 million spent on this project was turned over many times throughout the community— through local tradespeople, suppliers and vendors who turned around and spent money in the local economy.

Later Katie Tinsley-Holt of the County Ice Wine Synchronized skating team led the troupe in a thrilling exhibition of grace and athleticism.
Peter Kempenaar also spoke of pride as he addressed the opening celebration gathering. Kempenaar is a principal of Taskforce Engineering, the general contractor for the new facility.
“It is not often you get to come home and work with the community to build something this important,” said Kempenaar. “We worked with all our subcontractors and trades to instill in them a sense of pride and attention to detail—at every step of the process.”
Kempenaar, too, reassured the politicians and ratepayers that they had used the money well.
“There is no project in this country where the objectives of the stimulus funding were better met,” said Kempenaar.
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