I love the smell of sanitizer in the morning

Looks like another lockdown is just around the corner. Double dang. We, obviously, haven’t learned our pandemic lessons. The lesson to continue social distancing, mask-wearing, hand washing and non-essential contact seems to have flown out of the window for a lot of people. Speaking of lessons, I understand it takes a great teacher to deliver a “lesson learned”. Our Provincial Teacher, Doug Ford, hasn’t been a stellar instructor with regard to keeping it down during these Pandemic Times. We have had lots of good “teachers”, including Dr. Tam, but we just aren’t paying attention or not doing our research and homework. Too much social media and not enough science, I’d say. The thing is, we did get great marks in the beginning of our pandemic awareness and learning. But we’ve lost touch with what works. We aren’t doing the extra work for the extra marks. Where are those teachable moments now? We need to have another teachable moment, or ten. When do you think it’ll happen as regards COVID-19? When are we going to learn the lesson about being safe and staying the course? To be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about another lockdown. On one hand I’m okay with isolation, again. On the other hand, I know I’ll be fine for a few days, or even a few weeks, but I know I’ll start missing my family and friends. I don’t know if I can handle another serving of solitary confinement without a huge side order of something indulgent.
So, the current suggestion is for all of us to forget about the circle of friends and family. We have abused that privilege and we need to go to our rooms. It’s been suggested we stop what we’re doing and go back to associating only with people within our household—yep. We might only be allowed to play with those people in our “room”. We may be sitting on the naughty mat until Christmas if we don’t behave. For LOML and I that means it’ll just be LOML and I in our household of two. I know, I know. A lot of people are single, living alone and you can’t get much more isolated than living in a household of one. But that’s what we’re looking at right now, kiddies, back to isolating at home with our homies. LOML and I are doing what we can to limit our exposure and protect our family and friends, but we have to admit we were loosening up a tiny bit on the distancing, if only by a half a metre or so. One day we’re behaving and standing two metres away from those people outside of our bubble/circle and slowly—centimetre by centimetre—we’re scooting over close enough to be able to touch someone. Because we weren’t affected, or infected, we became way too comfortable. So, did most of all y’all. I’ll admit I actually, physically, hugged a friend when she was on the cusp of hip replacement surgery a couple of weeks ago. I don’t know what came over me. I was so worried about her, it just seemed so natural. And about a nanosecond after the offending hug, it all felt so unnatural. I think I apologized, but I certainly couldn’t unring the bell. Thank goodness her pre-op COVID-19 test came back negative. I surely didn’t want to be tagged “super spreader” because of a slip-up.
Here we are, as predicted, smack-dab into another wave of COVID-19 cases in Ontariari- ari OH. I know most of us tried really, really hard to be the good example, but we’ve obviously fallen short of the gold star. We must like curves because we are looking into the maw of another lockdown. I’m not sure if I should stock-up on bumph, flour, canned goods, bottled water, hand sanitizer and yeast, or just lay in a hoard of potato chips and wine and let the “chips fall as they may”, so to speak. I’m confused about what to do.
I have to admit, I’m leaning toward a pantry bursting with potato chips and a rack full of wine. Veggies and fruit, a twisted Mediterranean diet. And I do love the smell of hand sanitizer in the morning. It’s not the smell of victory, but someday the Pandemic might be history if we use enough of it.
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