County News

I made a mistake

Posted: March 19, 2021 at 12:27 pm   /   by   /   comments (6)

I published an advertisement last week that has hurt some of our neighbours in this community. This was not my intent. It is clear that my actions caused harm to members of the community.

The countless emails, phone calls, Instagram tags and Facebook posts have not fallen on deaf ears. I have taken some time to reflect on the issue at hand. I want to do better. I am reviewing more rigorously the content and spirit of the advertising messages we publish in this newspaper. I vow to ensure this does not happen again.

I believe I have genuinely learned from this experience and will take a leadership role moving forward. There can be a fresh opportunity for a better discussion about inclusion, diversity and equity in our community. The Times is committed to providing the space to share these experiences and tell these stories.

I have reached out to All Welcome Here PEC, and Discover YOUth and offered each a full page space in our next edition. This will allow both groups to share their message of inclusivity with the community as a whole. Next week’s edition will also feature some of the many letters in support of an inclusive community.

I also look forward to joining friends and community members this Sunday for the planned protest to march in solidarity.

Prince Edward County is an inclusive community. I am proud to be a part of it. I am truly sorry to those I have hurt.

Corey Engelsdorfer
Publisher/Managing Editor
The Times


Comments (6)

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  • March 24, 2021 at 6:51 pm Jupe Larson

    Cory, your mom sounds pissed!

  • March 22, 2021 at 12:21 pm TheBlunt Feminist

    You’re a wimp and a sorry excuse for a man Cory. Caving under a little pressure from TRAs. What exactly is hateful about womens rights? You literally came out of a woman’s body and you’re selling us out because a few mental cases got butthurt feelings? Did you know that a 6 foot 4 man (TRA) showed up at an elderly couples house, harassing and threatening them over a WOMENS RIGHTS AD that you ran!! You sir, are a disgrace and are on the wrong side of history. Way to sit back and do nothing. Wimp, coward, chump, pathetic. Those are just a few of the names that describe you. Pretty sad Cory. You shamed the woman who’s body you came out of.

    • March 22, 2021 at 12:33 pm Times

      The very individual calling me a coward leaves a comment with a fake name and fake email address.
      The irony.
      Corey Engelsdorfer
      The Times

      • March 24, 2021 at 6:56 pm TheBlunt Feminist

        Of course I didn’t give you my name, address and contact number. You’re ANTI FEMALE, you say my demand for sex based rights is “transphobic”. The last person you sold out was a 75 year old woman and because of your spinelessness, a 6’4 man showed up on her door step spewing hate and profanities at her and her husband. The people you’re supporting, the angry mob that called for you to be fired from your job, the angry mob that was calling for you to face violence, the mob that swarmed you with hate until you caved like a little baby. That’s the type people you have there in PEC. I never would have guessed that PEC would turn into a woke cesspool of misogyny. Imagine that! Do you feel better now that you got your woke points back? Do you feel better now that you’ve told half the population (human females) that we do not matter, that our safety doesn’t matter, that we do not deserve sex based rights. How the hell is me not wanting a man with a fully intact penis changing beside me at the YMCA hateful? You’re a journalist do some f#%&^*g investigating. You should know that globally, 98% of all sexual predators are MALE! That is why women fought for sex segregated spaces in the first place. Why don’t you do some research. You, a person working for a newspaper, are supposed to be UNBIASED! But alas real media is dead, it’s all about pandering to the misogynists. I get it, it doesn’t effect you because you’re male. You’re use to dicks in your public locker rooms, rest rooms and all other facilities made for men. Explain to me why you think its ok for violent male offenders to be housed in female prison. Explain to me why you think its ok for biological males with fully intact penises to be allowed into womens shelters. You know we go to shelters to ESCAPE men and their penises right? You know that male violence is a real thing. You experienced the woke mob for yourself. You think angry, mentally sick men like that should be allowed in womens spaces just because of HIS feelings. Explain to me why you don’t think female humans deserve female only sports teams? How about locker rooms? You don’t think vulnerable females deserve bodily privacy and safety. You sir are exactly what I said before. A chump. A misogynist. A sell out. You were bought cheap. Sold out women to protect your own ass. What cowardice.

  • March 20, 2021 at 6:45 pm April Kitzul

    Dear Mr. Engelsdorfer,

    First I want to thank you for running the advertisement for Canadian Women’s Sex Based Rights. However, I also want to express my disappointment in your apology for running the ad. I am a member of CAWSBAR and also a member of Women’s Human Rights Campaign, and I share the opinions expressed in the ad.

    If transphobia is defined by “fear and hatred” of trans people, then CAWSBAR is not transphobic. CAWSBAR does have legitimate concerns about the impact of trans ideology on women and girls. Specifically, replacing sex with gender identity and gender expression in law has had many negative impacts on women and girls. These negative impacts are tangible and real. It is not transphobic to speak about this, and in fact any healthy democracy should allow for respectful discussion. The CAWSBAR ad was respectful in its tone and content. In fact, it laid out numerous sensible points that are of legitimate concern to women.

    Just because people complain doesn’t mean that our concerns should not be discussed. The intensity of reactions should be an indication that there is something going on that is worthy of investigation. Unfortunately, I have come to realize that there is no such thing as investigative journalism and the media is simply afraid of upsetting people for fear of losing readership. Yet, you do a disservice to Canadians by assuming everyone is so fragile that they can’t handle hearing an alternative point of view on a topic which is hotly contested. Your grovelling apology is an indication of how weak and spineless the Canadian media is. Canadians deserve to hear all information available on this topic, and if you start censoring our ads, then you limit the availability of information.

    Female prisoners have been sexually assaulted by the biological males incarcerated with them since Bill C-16 was enacted. Ever since biological men have been allowed to enter women’s safe spaces, women have been reporting sexual harassment in shelters and transition homes, places where traumatized women go to get away from male violence. Women have been seriously injured competing against men in sport, especially combat sport. And of course women have been pushed off the podium and lost medals, scholarships and sponsorships because biological males are being allowed to compete in the female category.

    There are also serious concerns about the impacts on lesbians, who are pressured into accepting trans-identified males as sexual partners and get called transphobic if they refuse the penis. Finally, there are serious concerns related to the transitioning of children, such as young kids being put on puberty blockers and girls as young as 13 having double mastectomies. Many of these kids, if left along, will grow up to be gay. The transing of children is the new conversion therapy (“transing the gay away”).

    These are all legitimate concerns and it is not transphobic to point them out. It is time that the other side of this debate started getting some equal air time.

    Your apology was a cowardly move. You should have stiffened your spine and refused to apologize, and instead pointed out that freedom of speech is a Charter right and that you believe in and support freedom of speech, which includes the right for any person or group to dissent from “popular” opinions. Just because they hate what we say, doesn’t make it hate speech.

    In order for you (and the public) to better understand the issues at hand, I am including some links. I believe you owe it to the public to at least be informed about this important issue, so that if you once again receive push back from trans-activists you will be better prepared and perhaps able to stand your ground.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and I hope you will review the attachments. I also request that you not delete this letter and instead allow it to be a part of the public record.

    If you would like to discuss any of these issues, I would be happy to speak with you and you can contact me at the email attached to this letter.


    April Kitzul
    Member of CAWSBAR and WHRC-BC/Yukon

    1) Submission to the United Nations Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

    2) Expert Affidavit by Stephen Levine, MD

    3) My own submission to Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights

  • March 20, 2021 at 9:10 am Daniel

    Corey, you made a mistake without question. No doubt you will demonstrate to the community that you have learned from your mistake. This community practices forgiveness and will continue to support you.

    The community will not support those who have sought to impugn your motives or make their own point at your expense. People who are from here know that the county, to a fault, takes care of of their own.

    Stay the course my friend.
