Late summer, namaste

The summer, as we know it, is drawing to a close. Of course, Labour Day Weekend isn’t the end of the summer season but it’s the weekend the big winding-down happens. The back-to-school ads are on television and in the newspapers. This week, parents will warn kids about how normal bedtimes will soon be enforced. County roads are becoming more drivable and you can actually find a parking spot near your destination. It may be I’m an old fart but this summer surely has been a test of my patience.
The sad part of a crazy, touristy summer season is I feel like I’ve wished away three months of my life. I can’t tell you how many times I wished for a day when I could cross a street without risking life and limb—even at a crosswalk. I can’t count the number of times I wished for the day I would be able to pull out of my driveway without waiting, far too long, for a break in a steady stream of traffic. As I wiped the road dust off our front window, I can’t tell you how I wished we didn’t have a window that faced the road—great sunlight aside. Youngest daughter of mine just told me to take my own advice about wishing time away. Then she added, “It doesn’t make sense for you, Mom.” She might have been referring to my age. She’s right. The summer of 2017 passed far too quickly. My bike has barely been out. Too few picnics were had. Not once did we head out to the beach at Little Bluff or Prince Edward Point. Gardening happened only in self-defence, and I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of bonfires we’ve celebrated in our yard even though we’ve got our permit, a stash of s’mores stuff and oodles of firewood.
On the bright and sunny side, the real summer isn’t over until September 22 and, seriously, that’s just a date. LOML and I have enjoyed our neighbourhood watch program on the side porch and the patio, often with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine to bring perspective to our musings. Many of my summer columns have been written on the porch and have been inspired by the comings and goings of tourists and neighbours. Speaking of neighbours, our new neighbour is an Airbnb owned by a local family. In spite of my trepidation about seasonal rentals in residential areas, we’ve met many interesting people who came to the County to experience the “ahhhh” moments. We watched as the new owners slowly came to realize just how much work it is to maintain a seasonal rental, have a private life and a fulltime job. We’re fairly certain they’re looking forward to a few days, off season, when they can just sit back and enjoy themselves without taking out the garbage, doing the laundry, vacuuming and going to sleep without worrying about getting a late night call from a guest about a misguided bat, an overflowing toilet or a barbecue tank that needs to be refilled.
Summer is definitely waning. I’ll take my daughter’s advice and stop wishing the days away. I’ll pour myself a glass of wine and enjoy the moments as they happen. I don’t think I’ll ever have a zen moment over a sink full of dirty dishes, but I do enjoy the cooking, eating and drinking part of the process. Ah.
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