County News
Music at the beach

Ryan Noth at the amphitheatre at Sandbanks Provincial Park, site of the Sandbanks New Waves music, food and art festival on September 13.
Harvest festival to feature top indie music acts at Sandbanks Provincial Park
Sandbanks Provincial Park is a magnificent place—one only needs to travel to beach destinations around the world to grasp just how remarkable, safe and clean this natural playground really is. Yet for many County residents, the dunes and beaches of Sandbanks are shunned until the crowds recede. The County is resplendent in great beaches.
Ryan Noth and David Ullrich want to welcome County residents back to the park. On Saturday September 13, the filmaker and the musician turned online music retailer, are hosting a festival of music, food and art at the amphitheatre at SandbanksProvincialPark. To do this, they have attracted an impressive array of interesting and rising stars, including 2014 Polaris Music Prize nominees DIANA and Bry Webb and the Providers, and 2013 Polaris nominee Evening Hymns. Headlining the day-long festival is Cuff the Duke, four young men influenced and guided by Greg Keelor of Blue Rodeo. The musical line up also includes the electronic instrumental group, the Hylozoists .
By September, Noth figures the crowds will be gone, and the County will be ready for a harvest celebration.
“It is truly an amazing park,” says Noth. “We are so lucky. This is going to be a great excuse for County residents to come down to the beach. A place for our community to go in September, a celebration of the summer season. An opportunity to reacquaint themselves with a spectacular park.”
Along with some great music, Sandbanks New Waves will feature great food from PICNIC and Slow Taco. Chris Currah will also be grilling up some savoury treats, according to Noth. The Festival will also feature market vendors, including Vicki’s Veggies, Humble Bread and Honey Pie Hives.
The amphitheatre is a “tragically underused space” according to Noth.
“The seats are so comfortable. The sightlines are great and surrounded by trees. And just over the dunes you can hear the waves roll in.”
Noth produces films in facilities in a renovated barn in CherryValley. David Ullrich is a musician (half of ’90s group the Inbreds) and founder and operator of, a retailer of independent music. Sandbanks New Waves is, in part, a celebration of Zunior’s tenth year in business.
In Prince Edward County they’ve found a place to nourish their creative spirit. On September 13, they want to give something back.
Tickets for, and information about, Sandbanks New Waves is available online at and or by visiting at Books & Company in Picton.
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