County News

Public meeting

Posted: May 31, 2018 at 8:31 am   /   by   /   comments (0)

County edges closer to a decision on Wellington’s convenience store

For the third and perhaps final time, the County is hosting a public meeting to discuss the fate of the convenience store at the corner of Wharf and Main Streets in Wellington. On Tuesday evening at the Wellington and District Community Centre (7:00 to 8:30 p.m.), municipal officials are expected to outline a handful of options, including a preferred option, to enable Works officials to reconfigure or cap Lane Creek at this prime intersection in the village core.

Some see the 120-year-old building as an irredeemable eyesore. Indeed, some council members are keen to demolish it, making way for parking or greenspace. That option, however, means walking away from the $620,000 the municipality paid for the building. An expensive parkette.

Others wish to see the creek issues fixed by way of a culvert, and the building sold back into private hands. This option enables the County to recover some, or all, of the purchase price—and to retain a critical part of the architectural character of the village core.

Still others simply want council to do something. The building has been sitting empty and forlorn since 2015. There have been two previous public meetings. Both have demonstrated broad public support for retaining a building on this corner offering retail and residential space—much needed in the village. Most participants reject the notion of a parking lot or greenspace on Wellington’s main intersection. Nearly seven years have slipped by since the municipality recognized it had a challenge where Lane Creek passed under the convenience store.

On Tuesday municipal officials are expected to present fully costed options, including the preferred option. They will be on hand to describe the issues and challenges presented by each path.

Council has vowed to decide the building’s fate this year. Many village residents share this ambition—fearing the prospect that this matter could drift into a third term of council.

Convenience store / Lane Creek meeting. Tuesday June 5, 2018. Wellington and District Community Centre. Residents will have the opportunity to provide feedback.


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