County News

Q & A

Posted: July 11, 2024 at 12:49 pm   /   by   /   comments (0)

Shire Hall responds to questions about a regional water plant

In April, Shire Hall hosted an information centre unveiling its plans for a new super-regional water plant in Wellington. This mega project will be built in this village, but scaled up to accommodate the rapid population growth Shire Hall expects to inundate Picton and Wellington. Approving the plant also means running a 20-kilometre water pipeline through Bloomfield to Picton. It’s a big undertaking.

Residents and water ratepayers had questions. Some were answered at the event. Others were written down and gathered for comprehensive answers. Those answers were posted on the County’s website last month.

It is clear from the responses that a significant amount of detail—financing, regulatory, and planning—has yet to be worked out. Nevertheless, Council will be asked to move toward the design of the new super-regional water plant next month.

Q4: The assumptions seem unrealistic; what has Shire Hall done to mitigate risk should the assumptions prove incorrect?

A: We will use connection charges outside of Wellington in the short term and review development charges in the fall.

Q6: The County’s borrowing limit was expanded to fund the Wellington plant; how will you finance the debt of the super regional plant?

A: Phasing. And later this fall, Shire Hall will calculate the impact of all its spending and figure out how it will be financed.

Q9: Population forecasts seem implausible; why not design a plant to accommodate growth as it happens? Or it doesn’t?

A: Water plants are designed for 20 years ahead. The plant is modular in design and may be phased to mitigate growth risk.

Q12: Population growth projections are not realistic.

A: Watson and Associates affirmed the growth assumption in October 2023. Council directed a third-party review—but no firm was willing to take the assignment. The audit committee is reviewing these assumptions.

Q13: PEC water rates are among the highest in the country. Ratepayers can’t afford relentless increases to their bills.

A: The purpose of the super regional plan is to “find efficiencies and possible improvements in the existing water systems in an effort to better manage water rates.”

Q18: What is still left to be done on the plan for the original Wellington water plant replacement? The plan that has now been made redundant by a super-regional plant?

A: We still have to finalize the Environmental Study Report, issue the Notice of Study Completion and place the ESR on the public record for the 30-day comment period. The meeting on August 31 was for communications purposes only. You can watch that meeting on YouTube.

Q20: This is by far the most massive, expensive and long-term project ever undertaken by the County. Would you consider building it in phases?

A: Yes, phasing and options will be considered in the preliminary design. But keep in mind we are building for a 20-year timeline.

The complete set of questions and answers is available on the County’s website and on the Times website at:

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