County News
Scrabble in the Valley

More than just words on the table at annual tournament
A new champion was crowned at the fifth annual Scrabble tournament in Cherry Valley on Sunday. The popular event drew eighteen players, who pitted their word-sleuthing skills against each other in tables of three. Players were randomly chosen for the first game and then matched according to score for the second game, which was played after a potluck lunch.

Hillier resident Kevin Lockwood ponders his next move during the fifth annual Scrabble tournament in Cherry Valley on Sunday.
The players covered a range of abilities and experience. There were a few avid players, who play several games per week—online as well as in person. The majority, however, were casual players, with some having ever played only a handful of games. The competition for the coveted Owl trophy was friendly, but intense. One player, Kerry Ford—who ended the day tied for fourth place—attempted to tilt the odds by wearing an amulet in the shape of an owl pendant. Most players eschewed the use of the official Scrabble dictionary, although there were a few contentious words.
Angela Adams of Picton scored a total of 482 points in the two games take the Owl trophy. Second place went to Shannon Hunter with 445 points, followed by Jennifer Cobb—who had the day’s highest word score of 93—with 444. For most of the participants, however, it was not about the final score, but instead a chance to spend some time with other members of the community. “I’m always up for a good time and a good game,” said Kevin Lockwood of Hillier, a self-described medium Scrabble player.
The event was organized by the Athol Recreation Committee, which receives County funding to host community events. There was an optional entrance fee of $5 and the proceeds from the tournament will be used for ongoing maintenance or to offset the cost of other events. The next event hosted by the Committee is a Saloon Night on February 25, with music by Whoa Nellie.

Scrabble champion Angela Adams (centre) holds the coveted Golden Hoot trophy, flanked by runner-up Shannon Hunter (R) and third place finisher Jennifer Cobb (L).
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