Around the County

Strength in numbers

Posted: August 15, 2024 at 10:25 am   /   by   /   comments (2)

Community demands answers

A capacity crowd of more than 500 people filled the Highline Hall in Wellington on Monday night. They are worried about massive waterworks spending and the risk to their water bills—already among the highest in the nation. They want Council to stop and re-evaluate its plans.



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  • August 18, 2024 at 10:13 am Disappointed But Not Surprised

    The Aug 27 Council meeting should be moved to the Prince Edward Community Centre.

    The Community needs to be able to first hand witness, the actions (and inactions) of their elected officials.

    Council is betting on the 500 or so people in the Wellington meeting being a one-off, and hoping that the uproar will just blow over, as they continue to bulldoze along with massive spending that is neither needed nor wanted, driven by outside developers, consultants and contractors,

    If the meeting is held in the Council Chamber, only a small fraction of interested and concerned taxpayers will be able to attend.

    Youtube streaming is NOT the same thing at all, and allows no instantaneous feedback.

  • August 15, 2024 at 9:38 pm Chuck

    August 27th Council Meeting will need to be moved from the ancient and inaccessible Shire Hall. That building should not be our Municipal headquarters. With 500 to 1000 planned to arrive.
