
The Trumpster Fire

Posted: July 25, 2024 at 9:51 am   /   by   /   comments (0)

“And what to my wondering eyes should appear” but the demise of democracy in the U.S.of A., my dear. Just when a person thinks things could not possibly get any worse south of our border someone ups and pours salt onto the gaping wound that is ‘Merica”.

So, LOML and I just had a fun, tiring, chaotic weekend with our kids, their kids, my younger sister, my niece and my younger brother. However, when we should have been talking about the price of groceries or how much water was displaced by that last cannonball into the “cement pond” or how the Jays are doing or which of the grand-girls will get their braces off first or if the grand-boy is enjoying summer camp or how many cans and bottles will be returned on Monday, we found ourselves sitting around talking about the politics of the United States. We debated politics. We argued politics. We dragged Canadian politics into the mix whenever a comparison had to be made. At the height of the good-natured discussion I could almost hear the bellies burbling as the subject of Project 2025 got bashed, trashed and rehashed. What has this big blue marble come to? As a family we spent far too much of this past weekend talking about the dumpster fire in the meth lab south of the border and far too little time enjoying each other’s company. That’s just not right. And, from my perspective, what is happening in the USA really is beginning to look like a dumpster fire. It’s thick, nasty, smelly, annoying, dangerous and needs to be dealt with sooner than later. Right now I’m afraid for the future of the whole frigging world. Truly frightened about what could possibly happen in the upcoming year with the potential of having an pompous buffoon—who happens to be the textbook definition of “narcissist”—at the helm of one of the most powerful nations in the world. I’m not a praying kinda gal, but I feel as if my options are dwindling.

In the past it was easy enough for me to ignore the quirky, rootin’ tootin’, flag waving, hand-on-heart American political shenanigans. But now there is way too much Confederate flag waving and way too many vicious attack ads for my liking. American elections always seemed to be too aggressive, loud and offensively rude. But whatever I thought of the nastiness of American political campaigns in the past has now been eclipsed by vicious, venomous Big Top shows that are as carefully orchestrated as any circus sideshow! Right now I feel as if Canada can no longer ignore the potential for a devastating outcome at the polls in November and we certainly can’t ignore the impact it will have on us. At this late date Joe Biden has been convinced it’s time to take a shaky, discombobulated bow and a step back from the race. Most of us know this is the best-case scenario for his health, the future of the Democratic Part and the welfare of the country. But it’s difficult to believe the Democratic Party wasn’t more prepared for this possibility. Surely there was at least one person who shook their head and said, “We’d better get Harris ready for a showdown with The Turnip”. My gut tells me all of the conspiracy theories aren’t just “theories”.

While the Good Old USA did manage to survive a term with DJTurnip at the helm, it wasn’t without some serious damage to democracy. Remember how he left office kicking, screaming and storming? If he is elected again—and let’s be real it will likely happen—a second term for DJT will be devastating for everyone, not just the Red, White and Blue. No ifs, ands or buts about it. It won’t be pretty. As it is, the truth doesn’t matter with Trump, families don’t matter to Trump, healthcare doesn’t matter to Trump, peace doesn’t matter to Trump, equality and justice don’t matter to Trump and the people who seemingly love and support him don’t matter, either. The only person, place or thing that matters to The Turnip is The Turnip. His agenda will have sweeping, global, negative consequences.

But what can I say? Take notes, kiddies, because it’s going to be the year for Canadians to pull up the lawn chair and watch the sparks fly out of that swampy, gassy dumpster. I’m sure there’s a lesson in what’s coming for Canadians as we begin the approach to our own 2025 federal election.

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