Federal Election
Tim Durkin

Conservative Party of Canada
Tim Durkin has called the Bay of Quinte region home for most of his life. Through his time in the Quinte region, since age 17, he has worked in broadcasting, spending time as a journalist and news anchor in Belleville, Kingston, and a short stint in Yellowknife. It has included radio and television broadcasting, covering hockey for the Belleville Senators, Belleville Bulls, the Wellington Dukes and Trenton Golden Hawks. In 2014, he married the love of his life Jennifer, and together welcomed their first child, Elizabeth.
Durkin worries that the Bay of Quinte region has become unaffordable for the average person. “Everywhere I go in this riding, I am hearing that people are getting by, but they are not getting ahead,” says Durkin. “Just like me and my family, every resident of Bay of Quinte has their own version of the Canadian dream, and I believe they have the right to pursue it.” Durkin explains that while doorknocking earlier in his campaign, he came across many families that are barely getting by. “Many are living from paycheque to paycheque, with 46 per cent only $200 away from not being able to pay their bills each month. We must lift the tax burden which has been increasing under Justin Trudeau’s Liberals.”
Durkin says his party believes immigration is a key factor in making Canada strong and prosperous, but says the system in place needs to be fair, orderly and compassionate. “I believe, as Andrew Scheer has said, that ‘Freedom is our strength; diversity is a byproduct of that.’ It is true that diversity is one of the things that makes this country so beautiful. But it is our freedom that makes us a beacon to the world, a country that continues to attract the immigrants that have helped make this country the rich and prosperous place that it is,” says Durkin. Durkin says he has talked to many immigrants in the riding who are thankful to have a new life in Canada. “They celebrate their own rich traditions, but they are totally committed to the ideals of freedom and prosperity that drew them here.”
When it comes to balancing the budget, Durkin says that four years of mismanagement is coming back to bite taxpayers. “In 2015, Justin Trudeau inherited a balanced budget, a growing economy, and a middle class that had enjoyed the largest increase in median income in 40 years,” he says. “The previous Conservative government had led Canada through the global recession with the smallest debt and deficit and best growth of any G7 nation. And we emerged with one million new jobs and the best median income growth on record.” Durkin points to the fact that Trudeau told Canadians the budget would balance itself, and now each Canadian owes an extra $2,200 because of the deficit spending of the Liberal government. “This government has grown the debt more than any Canadian government outside of recession or wartime,” he adds. “Deficits today, mean higher taxes tomorrow—just to service that growing debt.” Durkin goes on to say as well as balancing the budget, a new Conservative government will scrap the soon-to-rise carbon tax, introduce the Universal Tax Cut, saving an average couple $850, take the GST off home heating costs and make maternity benefits tax-free, along with other programs to keep money in the taxpayers’ pockets.
As for jobs and small business, Durkin claims the Liberal government has imposed growth-choking regulations that need to be fixed. “Small business owners will remember well how they were treated by this Liberal government. Tax hikes, being deemed tax cheats, and more and more red tape,” says Durkin. He says his government’s first priority will be to scrap the carbon tax, and take several additional measures to support our small businesses such as repealing Trudeau’s tax increases on small business investments and assigning a Minister reporting directly to the Prime Minister to lead red tape reduction efforts. “Across this beautiful riding are small business owners that are innovative, forward-thinking and hard working. They deserve our support! Together, we can create a better future for Bay of Quinte, helping you, your family and the community get ahead,” says Durkin.
Can you give me contact info for Tyler Rogers, the resident interviewed at the Hamilton townhouse complex fire? Thank you, Robert