Who’s listening?
Generally speaking we want to believe our government is trying to do the right thing. We want to believe they are listening. We may not always agree with their politics or choices, and we may wish they spent our tax dollars with a bit more regard, but most folks don’t expect their government to actively work against them. So how do we square this outlook with reports that work is beginning this week to erect power lines intended to transport intermittent electricity, to be generated at an industrial wind factory proposed at Ostrander Point to a hydro substation at Milford?
The province told us it was listening. They invited comments on Gilead Power’s application and then to the environmental registry. They set a deadline of February 19. They said they wanted to hear from folks worried about the plight of endangered species whose habitat will be uprooted and destroyed by the Gilead Power project. The said they wanted to hear from those worried about thousands of migrating birds, flying their longest span across open water, only to be greeted at Ostrander Point by an array of spinning turbines soaring 40- storeys in the air. They said they wanted to hear from folks worried their health may be compromised by living amid bus-sized generators pushing electrons into the grid. They invited comment from municipal leaders anxious about the industrialization of a community whose economy and prosperity is largely derived from its natural beauty and heritage.
All the while they were signalling to the grid operator to begin work to connect this not-yet-constructed wind factory to the power grid.
From one side of its mouth the McGuinty government was assuring us it was consulting with all those with concerns about this project.From the other side it was finalizing details in the industrialization of this pristine and environmentally sensitive part of Prince Edward County.
The McGuinty government has become so cynical and callous to the views of rural communities who object to its ideologically driven wind ambitions that it could not even wait until its own consultation deadline had passed before sending in the heavy equipment.
When challenged about her government’s decision to remove local government from the decision- making process for wind and solar powered electricity factories, former MPP Leona Dombrowksy defended her government’s action. She explained that our concerns, and everyone’s concern would be heard; and if they weren’t addressed adequately, would be adjudicated by an independent review panel—the Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT).
But as the folks near Chatham learned last year—the McGuinty government seems no less cynical about this appeal mechanism. Even as residents, physicians, and other experts committed time, expertise and resources to the appeal of Suncor’s Kent-Breeze wind factory, work was underway to construct the massive turbines that were the subject of the appeal. The factory was up and spitting out intermittent bursts of electricity a full two months before the appeal panel rendered its judgment.
It is likely a similar appeal will be launched to try and stop Gilead Power’s wind factory at Ostrander Point. Best not get your hopes up, however, that any argument will make a difference. Yet the fight must continue—for on the heels of this nine-turbine factory is another factory in the same neighbourhood— this one featuring 30 turbines. More will follow.
If McGuinty is willing to destroy the natural habitat of endangered species, override the concerns of health officials, and respected nature conservancies and disregard the pleas of this community that Crown Land should be spared from crass, and ultimately useless industrialization, in the name of sputtering green electricity at Ostrander Point—it is hard to imagine anything stopping him until the eastern basin of Lake Ontario is lined with wind turbines. Who will stop him from turning Prince Edward County, Amherst Island, Brighton and Cobourg into Wolfe Island?
This kind of callous disregard breeds long-term resentment and deep mistrust of governments at all levels. The McGuinty government has very little trust left to squander.
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