X marks the spot

Darn it all, anyway. As if I didn’t have enough stuff to keep my little brain whirling around, now I have to get serious about who gets my “X” on election day. Personally, I am tired of all the mudslinging, the horse-pucky and senseless banter going on in the media right now. Every time we tune into televised newscasts we’re treated to a freak show consisting of Doug Ford, Kathleen Wynne and Andrea Horvath. A freaking freak show. And if that’s not enough, just go for a walk or a drive and be assaulted with the political litter along the side of the roads and on front lawns. Seriously, does a passer-by really decide who to vote for based on the number of signs on lawns or blocking the verdant vistas on the highway? I suppose, at the very least, a person would be able to put a name to the NDP candidate, if a person slowed down long enough to read the signs. Joanne Who? You’d have to remember her name and remember to Google it when you get home to see the whole picture.
And if we’re talking about the whole picture, I can’t even feature what this province would be like if we had to deal with a Premier who has, most obviously, taken a page from DJTurnip’s book of night terrors. Let’s say you decide to vote for the the local incumbent because you know the guy and, generally, like what he’s done, the province could end up with an ignorant idiot as Premier. Think about it. We could end up with a Premier who is a bully, who can’t even fathom what it could be like to live on a fixed income or to need affordable housing or having to rely on public transit. A man who talks about education, but hasn’t really got much experience, personally or professionally. Doug Ford said he is going to find billions of dollars in efficiencies by cutting public service jobs (essentially cutting service), slashing healthcare jobs and pushing back the gains made in education, not to mention all of the other areas that will suffer at his hand. As much as I’ve come to like our local PC candidate, Todd Smith, I don’t think I could put an “X” by his name if it means we’ll have to take a step back into the 1930s with Ford.
And then? Well, and then there’s the Liberals. We’ve had how many years of provincial Liberal leadership? Even I have stopped defending the Liberals. Who’s really happy with the Liberal parade as it passes us all by? And here we are. Our riding is blessed with a really nice guy running under the Liberal banner. Should I vote for the man I’ve come to know and trust as the Mayor of PEC, perhaps ending up with the Premier I used to admire but have now come to dread? Decisions. Decisions. What about the NDP? Well, I only know what I’ve Googled about Chaplain Belanger. I know she originally said she was Pro-Life and, when the going got tough she changed her stand to Pro-Choice. Surely if she gets confused about something as straightforward as a woman’s right to choose, she may have other issues. What is it with the NDP, anyway? Why does it take so long to find a suitable candidate in this area. I could vote NDP. I lean toward the general philosophy of the party, but who is Belanger? What does her track record look like? Maybe a coalition government would work.
Today I thought, “What the H E double hockey sticks?” And since I was in a Googleing frame of mind, I looked for help with my Decisions, Decisions, Decisions. I sought a way to help me make my choice, without rolling the dice or tossing a coin or closing my eyes and blindly X-ing. I found an online quiz at I answered the questions and the results were pretty interesting. You’ll never guess who should get my vote. Nope, you’ll never guess and I’ll never tell.
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