County News


Posted: August 9, 2013 at 8:58 am   /   by   /   comments (8)

MOE and developer challenge Ostrander Point Tribunal decision in court

Both the Ministry of Environment (MOE) and wind energy developer Gilead Power Corporation have concluded they can’t live with an environmental review tribunal decision last month to revoke the approval of a nine-turbine project on Crown land at Ostrander Point. Both the MOE and the developer have decided to appeal the Tribunal decision that stopped the development in its tracks to the Ontario Superior Court.

The Tribunal had been persuaded the risks to the Blanding’s turtle that nest on this project site were too great and that mitigation measures were likely insufficient and in any event untested and unproven. And given the Blanding’s turtle is an endangered species, the network of roads needed to service the turbines posed too great a threat to the species in the Tribunal’s view.

It is the first renewable energy approval overturned by a review tribunal. The stakes were high for the developer, the Ministry of Environment, the appellants, the Prince Edward County Field Naturalists (PECFN) and the Alliance to Protect Prince Edward County (APPEC) and, of course the Blanding’s turtle.

The notice of appeal came at the deadline of August 2.

Both Cheryl Anderson of PECFN, and Henri Garand of APPEC had expected an appeal.

The developer is fighting to keep his project alive while the MOE is scrambling to ensure a turtle doesn’t derail the green energy ambitions of the governing Liberals.

Many had expected Gilead to appeal—but far fewer expected the MOE to pile on. After all, this was their review process, their rules and their playing field. When McGuinty’s Liberals removed many of the regulatory hurdles for wind and solar energy developers in the Green Energy Act—that same government devised the Renewable Energy Approvals process and the Environmental Review Tribunal. They promised this replacement process would listen to, and take into account, concerns raised by experts or the general public.

Now the MOE is claiming in its appeal that Tribunal members Robert Wright and Heather Gibbs, erred in law, in part because there is nothing “genetically unique” about the turtles that live at Ostrander Point. The MOE says Wright and Gibbs looked too narrowly at the fate of the turtles on the project site—that it should have considered the fate of the turtle on a province-wide basis.

The MOE claims, too, that in revoking the approval of the project, the Tribunal didn’t give them an opportunity to change its plans or develop a work around solution.

Gilead’s appeal makes many of the same claims but goes further. It claims the Tribunal erred in law, acted unreasonably or exceeded its jurisdictions in at least 12 ways.

Among the claims made by Gilead in its court filing is the notion that the Ministry of Natural Resources ruled on the fate of endangered species like the Blanding’s turtle when it granted the developer the permit to “kill, harm or harass” the turtle. As such, Gilead contends that the Tribunal made a mistake by second guessing the MNR in this way.

They argued further that it was up to PECFN to prove the mitigation they proposed would not work. It was not, Gilead’s lawyer’s contend, their onus to prove it would.

“It is very difficult to see the two representatives of the Crown, the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Natural Resources who are supposed to be there to protect our environment and our natural resources, are not doing that,” said Cheryl Anderson of PECFN. “Instead they are defending something that we believe to be injurious to the natural life at Ostrander Point.”

She says the appeal points to fundamental flaws in the Green Energy Act and tilts the playing field away from the protection of nature toward facilitating energy developers.

“It seeks to take away the right of one to say anything against these projects,” said Anderson. “It gives big developers the ability to pillage the countryside. That is not good.”

Henri Garand, president of APPEC, describes at least one of the MOE’s claims as preposterous. The MOE says there was no evidence to indicate how many Blanding’s turtles live on the project site. Consequently, the Tribunal could not conclude the harm inflicted by the project on the turtle would be “serious and irreversible”.

“Is the appellant required to assess this population because the proponent didn’t?” questioned Garand. “Must PECFN undertake extensive field research because the developer didn’t do it? Frankly, what it does is to encourage developers to shirk basic research—because the MOE will overlook the omissions.”

Garand finds it equally ludicrous that the developer is suggesting the MNR is the final authority over the fate of endangered species—that the Tribunal was wrong to second- guess the MNR.

“The MNR permits [to kill, harm and harass an endangered species] appear to be cited as some overarching and pre-emptive authority,” said Garand. “Permits are based on the status of the provincial population of a species and would impose a standard for assessing harm on the tribunal that always extends beyond the project area. It suggests the MNR’s judgment in issuing the permit to harm, harass and kill the endangered species is binding on the tribunal. This is overreaching.”

APPEC has also filed an appeal to Superior Court seeking to overturn the Tribunal’s ruling that the project would inflict harm upon human health. The appeal states that Tribunal erred in law in finding that the evidence did not establish a causal link between wind turbines and either direct or indirect serious harm to human health at the 40 dBA limit or at 550-m setbacks. APPEC has 30 days to provide more detail to the court of the basis for appeal. The costs and risks are significant.

“The board is reviewing the grounds for appeal very carefully,” said Garand. “It is another expensive legal undertaking, and we want to be fairly convinced of the potential for a positive outcome and APPEC’s capability to fight again.”

Gilead Power has asked the court of appeal to order PECFN to pay its legal bills for the appeal. Cheryl Anderson says Gilead and its lawyers are hoping to intimidate her group.

“It is bullying,” said Anderson. “They can ask. And the court can award costs. They can extinguish the PEC Field Naturalists but they won’t stop us as individuals.”





Comments (8)

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  • September 22, 2013 at 12:23 pm Philip Dabous

    Read the mandates of both the M.O.E. and especially the M.N.R. and one sees that a natural “resource” – and the word “resource” is important – is not regarded solely as something to preserve untouched, but to be managed as a potential human resource for transformation and/or preservation, in conjunction with an ethical human fiducary responsibility to not irreparably harm flora and fauna and landscape. These ministries acknowledge th
    e intrinsic worth of protecting natural resources by management.

    Some want no encroachment by humans, beyond visiting and viewing. Of course one is always left with feeling that people who obviously dwell somewhere, eat something, use some fuels and create some waste would be very happy to deny these essentials to others.

    It is a revelation to me, this self-righteous selfishness and willful denial of economic and technical realities.

  • August 11, 2013 at 3:33 pm Bruce Foden

    Plus de change, plus de la meme chose! The fight over Ostrander Point is a microscopic replica of those being waged in B.C. against pipelines, coal mines and fish farms, all of which are threatening the ecosystems and food sources that sustain life on the Pacific coast. Moving from Wellington to Vancouver Island seems almost seamless as the issues are universal. Bravo and good luck to the citizen organizations carrying on the campaign.

  • August 10, 2013 at 10:03 pm Soundmann

    @BIX: I don’t like Hudak either, but to his credit he has several times called for a moratorium on Wind projects. The Liberals (+NDP now) just keep forcing them through. The “Environental” Review process just keeps approving new projects regardless of arguments about human or animal health. Only about 1/3 of the approved projects are built so far, and they continue to approve more.

    I’m thinking once this gets into a “real” court the whole thing is going to come down like a house of cards. The question is how long will that take to play out.

    We need to stop all current projects now!

  • August 10, 2013 at 8:18 pm Richard Mann

    I’m thinking once this gets into a “real” court the whole thing is going to come down like a house of cards. The question is how long will that take to play out. We need to stop all current projects now! No point throwing good money after bad.

  • August 10, 2013 at 9:12 am Wolf Braun

    It’s ironic that this week we received a brochure in our mail box from Parks Canada entitled “TURTLES need your help! “… just as the appeals took place. The left hand of Government doesn’t know what the right hand is saying. Yet we pay these people sunshine salaries with our scarce tax dollars. Isn’t it time for all Canadians to redefine the PURPOSE and PRINCIPLES of Government and demand better from our elected officials and bureaucrats ?

    • August 11, 2013 at 5:52 pm Bob Lewis

      Parks Canada says it, but are they doing anything? We know the federal Conservatives are not fans of Ontario Liberals but they aren’t really doing anything except their fake health study, which they consulted Canwea (the wind companies’ lobby group) on how to conduct it. lol

  • August 10, 2013 at 7:36 am BIX

    We know that the Lieberals are uncouth louts but lets ask why the Conservatives don’t have the ‘stones’ to demand that ARB (Anti Rackets Bureau) investigate. Fraud alone would be so easy to prove but when it comes to protecting the people
    of this province, talk is cheap. Poor old Hudak could up his sorry state of approval if he and his cronies demanded that the Lieberal law breakers be treated like any other criminal enterprise.

  • August 9, 2013 at 8:45 pm Pat Bauman

    Excellent article, Rick. The taxpayers of this province should be shouting to the Liberal government loud and clear that we will not tolerate our taxes going to pay for our own Ministry of the Environment to appeal a ruling that was made in the best interest of our wildlife and natural heritage. For the MoE to side with the multi-billion dollar wind developer is outrageous. We need the RCMP to come in and do a thorough colonoscopy on this entire Greed Energy debacle to find out just how much money is changing hands under the table and who is benefitting the most from it. It’s certainly not the people OR the province of Ontario.
