The Chubb Classic
Bernhard Langer graciously accepted the award as champion of this year’s Chubb Classic at the TwinEagles Golf Club in Naples, Florida. He is no stranger to the podium, as this was his third victory in the past six years. The PGA players in the tournament are those who have reached the magic age of 50. […]
A delightful experience
There are 14 distinct wine regions in Portugal, each of which is unique in terroir, varietals and history. During my visit to Portugal, I had the good fortune to visit wineries in the Algarve, Atlántico and Lisboa regions. I had the opportunity to taste wines from “the most western winery in Europe,” which had actually […]
Heart of winter
There is a muted cover over the land. Colour, delineation and sound in the world we generally know are dampened when the snow falls heavily. Removed is a part of emotional stimulation. On snow days in February, it’s like the difference between banjo picking—the rhythm of the everyday—versus the chording of a classical guitar. Standing […]
A.I. A.I. – OH!
I had wanted to start this column with a few gravitational wave jokes. But I’m afraid the whole subject is way above my pay grade. And I don’t suppose you want to hear stories about how Al Einstein and I used to hang around the pool rooms of Zurich together as teenagers, trying to impress […]

The Crosby Show
Even if you have only read a few of the columns in this space, you realize that I encourage you to attend sporting events. Above all, if they happen to be hockey. You may be lucky enough to watch a grandson or granddaughter playing in their first years. It may be a junior game, with […]
Portuguese exploration
The Portuguese, an immensely proud and fiercely nationalistic people, have a great deal to boast about. This nation has consistently punched way above its weight—countless attempts at assimilation by various invaders have failed. Numerous fortress cities (constructed to strategically guard trade routes with Spain) still exist as mute testimony to Portuguese resolve. A Romance language— […]
Keeping the estate
When I write this column, I occasionally imagine the reader lying in bed, at the breakfast table, sitting in an armchair by a fire, or on a couch at one of the County’s coffee shops, enjoying the paper. It’s a pleasant image, but one that’s slowly dying away. Community papers have not suffered the decline […]

A bridge too far?
It’s public infrastructure spending time again. Wellington did pretty well last time around. I don’t think we’ll be quite as lucky this time. The major urban mayors are already twisting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s arm; Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto have all but been handed their cheques. What we may be looking for, then, is a […]
Who’s my ginger peach?
In a recent column (or two) I wrote about clearing out the old stuff and donating locally. I’m still at it. Of course, my front and upper hallways look a bit like an episode of Hoarders or one of those garages on Backroad Bounty. I might be weakening, because I truly hope the Clothesline folks […]
The thing about ice
Seems like all it takes is the sound of a shovel or skates scraping an ice surface out-of-doors and I time-travel: winters of youth when you dared to hitch a ride behind the bumper of a car; took bets from friends while in your head, you heard your mother’s voice telling you not to put […]