The Brampton Beast
The Brampton Beast flew into Fort Myers a week ago to spend a little time in the Florida sunshine. They left last Sunday with very light tans. Normal rainfall for the entire month of January is less than an inch. Last week, we had more than six inches of rain, and a couple of tornadoes. […]
Tryin’ to figure what it is about material possessions that seem to sometimes take up way too much space in our physical environments and our consciousness. Like way too much space: And I’m guessing that I don’t hold a patent on the concept, as in I am not alone. The challenge for me is that […]
High-tech hub
Wellington has been at the epicentre of the wine boom. And now it could be at the epicentre of the high-tech boom. A software developer by the name of Steve Fences—up until now, based in Toronto—is moving to Wellington this March as Wellington is the location for beta testing his new application. “Wellington,” says Mr. […]
Boogers and cooties
Boogies, boogers: found in the nose and is the result of drying of the normally viscous colloidal muscus, more commonly known as “snot”. I used to work with a person who picked his nose. He was a multi-tasker. He would pick his nose while he was amending a mechanical drawing. He would pick his nose […]

It’s basketball time, baby!
The Florida Gulf Coast Eagles opened their Atlantic Sun Conference season with a flourish last Saturday with a 29-point win over the Stetson Hatters. The margin of victory was not expected, although the Eagles were expected to win. They came out of the gate strongly, leading 32-14 with six minutes remaining in the first half. […]

The anonymous gift
I received a Christmas gift this year from an unexpected source. It was from a certain “X, a secret admirer.” My first reaction to receiving the gift was “Oh, how sweet; I’ll soon figure out who the secret admirer really is. All I have to do is crack open the package and there’ll be a […]
Retro, schmetro
I’ve been thinking about the retro craze. I can’t help but laugh—just a teensy-weensy bit—when younger friends enthusiastically tell me all about the brand new turntable Santa dropped off and what wonderful sound they get when they spin their vinyl. For those of you who are about my age (more or less), and many of […]
The whole truth
History may not always be written by the victors, but since recording it began, it’s the leaders who are featured in its telling. The heroes of any history book tend to be those who have achieved something great for a society or a nation. In the telling and retelling of their lives and achievements, certain […]
Here we all are, rounding the bend in the first week of January. We’re wrangling with the (finally) seasonal temperatures. We’re recovering from the excesses of the holidays. Too much food, too much drink, too much spending—maybe even too much family time. Now that the season has passed, those cheerful greetings of “Happy Holidays” and […]

World Junior dissapointment
Many of us have done our share of whining after the Canadian loss in the World Junior Championships in Finland. The boys did not do well in the preliminary rounds, but put up enough points to get to the quarterfinal round to play the host team, Finland. Before the game, most of the experts had […]