Happy New Year
Each civilization celebrates, in its own way, the promise of a new year. Ancient Celts, Picts and Norse were more inclined to celebrate the winter solstice instead of the calendar date. The Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is celebrated at the turn of their lunisolar calendar, falling between 21 January and […]
Jan Czyrkiewicz
It wouldn’t be so that Christmas for me could be spent at home along Slab Creek in Hillier. That time will gladly arrive in the future. Christmas meant a drive to Ottawa this year, a drive most familiar. I originate from there and left in my twenties. Over the years my ties have become loaded […]
The vice index
So while we all wait for Justin Trudeau to legalize the stuff, Premier Kathleen Wynne thinks it’s worth investigating whether the LCBO should control the sale of pot. I suppose it’s not too far-fetched an idea. Maybe the LCBO has some in-house expertise (“I’m promoting you, Hastings, because of that Bob Marley T-shirt you wear […]
I resolve
The Christmas tree is gone. The decorations have been stashed away. Every bit of shortbread, candy cane, every Snickerdoodle and piece of turkey has been given away, frozen, dumped or consumed. My place looks a lot like January, if January had a look. When I cock my head, just right, I can still catch the […]
Happy holidays
The holiday season is upon us. Hopefully, you are reading this during a much-deserved break. Maybe you’re curled up in an armchair with a blanket, a dog at your feet or a small child asleep nearby. Maybe you’re at the kitchen table, sipping something warm, wearing a new pair of slippers. Whether you celebrate Christmas […]

Fan-friendly games
The powers-that-be who are in charge of professional sports like to engage their fans. This relationship results in warm feelings and, in turn, serious income. The general idea is to build a close relationship with the fans, so that they become completely engaged. In most instances, they have refined the game, and its parameters, and […]
Nollaig shona dhaoibh
In the British Isles and certain parts of Europe, the days following Christmas have their own set of traditions to observe. On Saint Stephen’s Day (Boxing Day), “mummers” in England celebrate the traditional wren dance. (In rural Ireland the performers were known as “wren boys”.) There are two possible origins for the wren hunt and […]
A Christmas letter
Dear family, friends and others: This week, you’re going to be treated to my version of a Christmas letter. If you know me, and some of you think you do, you know how I used to feel about Christmas letters. I had no room in my cranky, cold heart for the annual brag sheet, printed […]
Two days left
Just two days till Christmas In the place where folks are told It’s the coolest spot when the weather’s hot And the hottest when it’s cold Excited kids are cautioned Be good for goodness’ sake Or you’ll finish out your childhood In Wellington on the Lake But they’re on their best behaviour Because they know […]
Creative bent
I recall, back when I lived in the city, being warned I’d be bored out of my skull. Those concerned for my sanity were warning me about moving to Belleville from Toronto when I decided to go to school at Loyalist College. I was born in a city, I grew up in a city, and […]