Words that define themselves
You may have noticed last month that the Collins Dictionary people have added some 6,500 new words to the Scrabble word list —all generated since the last update in 2011. If you haven’t read the fine print, you will be delighted to learn of the inclusion of such gems as “emoji,” “facetime,” “hashtag” “and “sexting,” […]
Sins of our forefathers
I don’t believe in original sin. I didn’t understand original sin when I was a kid attending Catholic school. The adults in my life told me they cared about my mortal soul. They told me original sin wasn’t a bandwagon—I couldn’t jump on or let it pass me by. Apparently, I was born with it. […]

2015 Triple Crown
One of the most anticipated events in sport history took place last Saturday in New York State. American Pharoah broke from the post and led the Belmont Stakes race from wire to wire to complete the Triple Crown. The win capped an amazing season for the horse, his seventh victory in a row. It also […]
Time to fix the damage
In a time that still burns in the memory of living people, flatbed trucks would ride through a community that had already been segregated and isolated by race. Children were gathered onto those trucks and taken away. For nine months, their names and languages were stripped from them. Some were forced to endure physical, sexual […]
Political vintage
While admiring the perfection within a glass of wine, it is sometimes hard to imagine the river of politics that flows in the background. In many regions of Europe, national pride can stipulate which grape varietals may be grown in any given region. In the new world on the other hand, widespread experiments in planting […]
The hole foods study
The Journal of Gustatory Medicine has just published the results of a long-term study which concludes that putting donuts in your diet can be good for you. Yes, you read that correctly. The study— conducted by Dr. Cicero Simpkins of Bangor University in Maine—followed four families, substantially similar to one another in age, income, residence […]
I imagine some of you aren’t happy with me, right now. I haven’t lost my mind, with regard to dress codes and what kids these days wear. I’m just saying if we’re in the mood to preach, we should be practitioners. Recently, as many of you know, I’ve been taking a good, long look in […]
Wind in the maple
So finally, after subtle prodding from my son, Luc, we launch the early summer with the building of a tree house. I say we, but really the arrangement is I get to pull together materials—in this case the good fortune of western cedar—and Luc, in cahoots with neighbour and man-ofall- skills Phill—spelled with two Ls […]

A classic confrontation
The general consensus amongst the so-called experts is that the Chicago Blackhawks will have no trouble disposing of the Tampa Bay Lightning in this year’s Stanley Cup final. I beg to differ. I believe it will be a battle, and a fine one at that. The Hawks are favoured because of recent history. They are […]
Take the cabernet
Cabernet franc is one of the five main red grape varietals grown and blended within the Bordeaux region. First introduced into the Loire and Bordeaux wine regions of France in the 17th century by direction of Cardinal Richelieu, it was more commonly referred to by the name of Bouchet until the mid-to-late 18th century. In […]