My weekend fun
Runners come in all shapes, sizes and speeds. That being said, this past weekend I, with my shape and size, treated myself to the Energizer Brooks Night Race at Sunnybrook Park in Toronto. I use the word treated, but I don’t want you to think a run through a dark park in the middle of […]

Golfing in southern Italy
So I’ve lugged that bag of sticks all over Europe, and now I’m in Southern Italy without a place to play. I am standing in the shadow of Vesuvius, that colossal volcano that destroyed Pompeii a couple of thousand years ago. Vesuvius lies in a volcanic area near Naples, Italy. The Phlegraen Fields are composed […]
A bouquet is worth 1,000 sips
When discussing the sense of smell last week, I forgot to explain the fine line that exists between the smell and the taste of wine in the glass. A simple “nose test” will explain my point. Plug your nose and take a sip of orange juice. Without your sense of smell, the receptors in your […]
September moon
It’s a smooth and early evening on Labour Day. Crows are sleepless under forest cover as the stillness of the Glenwood valley meets the night. From MacaulayMountain I watch as the moon rises in the east; the sun sets to the west. The rooftops, sidewalks and steeples of the Shire town peek from below the […]

Transcending the formula
I lost my job at the Essroc plant, That was the start of my bad luck. ’Cos then I caught my woman, With my best friend in my truck. Okay, you can relax. That was just my own feeble attempt at writing a formula Nashville-style lyric. The formula hasn’t changed much over the years. As […]
The municipal election is coming
October 27, 2014. I’ve had a few emails from candidates outlining their platforms, asking for support and wondering if I’d like a lawn sign. Mostly, I don’t like to show my hand publicly. I worry about giving an openly visible sign of support, only to be disappointed somewhere down the road. Funny thing is, this […]

Great Waterway Classic
David Bradshaw tapped in his second putt on the 72nd hole to win the 2014 Great Waterway Classic at Loyalist Country Club last weekend.The event, was a great opportunity to enjoy fine golf. This is the third time that the Classic has been held in Bath, but the second time as part of PGA TOUR […]
The nose knows
We are blessed with a fabulous piece of equipment with which to identify the mysteries that lie within a freshly poured glass of wine. Directly connected to the brain, our sense of smell acted as an early warning system for our ancestors. As air passes through the top of the nasal passage, just behind your […]
Musical ride
Dear Handsome Young Man. Yeah, you. Nice shirt, tight jeans, coiffed hair, a bit of five o’clock shadow, riding your trendy trail bike along the sidewalk on Main Street in Picton on Friday morning. Oh yeah, you dashing devil, you. When I saw you coming, I offered, “Seriously? This is a sidewalk.” Perhaps I offended […]
The faithful companion
My wife and I have a dilemma. Not a serious one, mind you, but a dilemma all the same. We are considering whether to part company with our faithful automotive companion of 11 years. Our dilemma is: we can’t keep its potential replacements straight. Out in autoland, the descriptors all sound pretty much the same. […]