Sam things
There is a certain grace to winter that I would miss if I lived in a mono season. Winter exposes the land’s shapes; its skin and bones; geological structure undressed of summer, I guess you could say. Somewhat like the nude model; how it is fundamental to studies in life drawing; key to understanding the […]
Isn’t science wonderful?
There was a time when I would never have caught myself saying it, but here goes: isn’t science wonderful. That is, isn’t science wonderful when it shows a human face. What caught my attention recently was an article in the Toronto Star about the “pitch drop experiment” at the University of Queensland, in Australia. The […]
Hello, hello?
February 27, 2014 – Dear Bell Salesperson: “Thank you so much for your call while we were eating lunch. It isn’t often we get a call from a service provider offering us a deal on a more upto- date type of internet service. Who wouldn’t want faster online service? Who wouldn’t want to be on […]

Former Dukes in Florida
Early last week, Scott Fleming and Chris Auger rolled into Fort Myers with the rest of the Fort Wayne Komets. They were scheduled to play three games against the Florida Everblades at the Germaine Arena: Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. This is not an ideal situation, as certain hostilities can flare more quickly with games packed […]
Benchmark wine
Some time back, I noted that French wine consumption has dropped substantially over the last few decades. In part, this is due to a change of dining habits, health consciousness, and to a lesser degree, income. During this time, French wine production has dropped, although not considerably. Any surplus wine finds its way to willing […]

The winter from hell
Of this winter season 03 and 04 Terrible stories are told Of the damage inflicted upon this poor burgh By the wind and the snow and the ice and the cold. On the weather channel the red warnings flash Every ten minutes advice It’s wind mixed with cold mixed with ice mixed with snow To […]
Nuke junk
I find it hard to believe a microwave oven can be the cause of high blood pressure. No, I’m not saying the invisible rays radiating from the oven whenever I press “start,” nor am I saying the volcanic temperatures of anything warmed therein gives rise to the rise. It’s the SE error code that makes […]

ACE Goup Classic 2014
There are occasions when I find I must defer to a colleague or a friend when it comes to writing about particular subjects. When it comes to golf, that would be Al Stitt. Al has played the game for many years, has replaced a grip or two for thousands of clubs, and has designed sets […]
Globetrotting grapes
The over 5,000 grape varietals in the world fall into two major categories: Vitis Vinifera, predominant in Europe, and Vitis Labrusca native to North America. Despite this large number of varietals, winemakers tend to create wines from a limited palette. When I have the opportunity to taste something outside this classic range, I usually leap […]
‘Siglo del sebo’
I must say that the sight of a red-bellied woodpecker at the suet feeder this morning goes a long way to consoling the heart; the bird’s crimson- stained hood sparkles against the heavy backdrop of sky. A downy woodpecker holds in place waiting for a turn at the grub with a lineup of chickadees not […]