One fine hat
I’m a fan of hats, so when I’m in the TSC, aka Tractor Supply Store, in Belleville recently and spot a display of felt fedora hats I’m caught. Check it out in the mirror, I say: mmm… seems to work…nice headband…and look! A Made in Canada label: But hang on a minute! Does that also […]
Protecting the crop
The human impact on the flora and fauna of the County (and by extension the world) should not be taken lightly. Every effort should be made to maintain the balance between necessity and greed. In the past few weeks I read that vineyards were in part responsible for the decline of the bird population in […]
And now there are two!
At long last, there are two teams remaining in the hunt for the Stanley Cup. We have been fortunate in the Quinte Region to have had two appearances of the Silver Beauty in the past few years: Matt Cooke toted the Cup when the Penguins won, and, last year, Brad Richardson hoisted the mug when […]
The lucky 24
So the game is afoot, following a close 9 to 7 vote at council. Invitations have been sent out to some 5,000 households in the County inviting them to submit their names for a lucky draw to become members of a “Citizens’ Assembly.” From the responses (a 1-in-10 response rate is anticipated, so from about […]
In my quest to have one awesome day after the other, I find I’m still vexed by little things. Things like people who, very obviously, don’t want to spend time with the person on the “other side of the table” because they’re too busy checking their cellphones. Don’t get me wrong here—this isn’t about LOML […]
Rum running
What does rum running have to do with a sudden demand for sugar in Northern Europe of the mid 1600’s? In 1534 King Henry VIII declared himself head of the Church of England in the First Act of Supremacy. Catholic monastic orders were abolished, and monks were expelled. Honey production, which had been fostered by […]

Stanley Cup Playoffs
Action in the Stanley Cup playoffs continues to heat up after every round. One of the most interesting facts pointed out to me recently is that the four semifinalists—Pittsburgh, Chicago, Boston, and Los Angeles—are the last four winners of the Stanley Cup. No matter who wins, it hasn’t taken long to become a repeat winner. […]
Bent or jaded?
A friend of mine insists that all politicians are bent. I disagree with him. I’d say that few start out that way: some enter politics to perform public service, others pay homage to that principle but kind of enjoy wielding power. Politics involves messy compromises; politicians (like the rest of us) like to be liked, […]
Ride on
So, you’re reading this and The Ride for Heart 2013 is history. Thirteen thousand people rode for Heart and raised over $5 million. With your generous donations, I brought over $1 000 to the game. I rode for research. I rode for Heart and Stroke education programs. I rode for everyone who has heart disease […]
Its 10:30 Thursday night. The half moon and northern borealis hang low in the sky as the coarse Army Reserve Road unravels before our car headlights. Pamela Stagg is at the wheel. She brings the station wagon to a stop, lowers the window and shuts the engine. We sit and listen. The surrounding outback is […]