Hell in a handbasket?
We have problems. Not a problem, but many problems. I can’t solve these problems, nor can you. My job is to point them out, and hope that smarter people can find the necessary fixes. Some of these are local, and some are wider spread. Let’s start with some specific points: 1) BUSINESS WAS DOWN THIS […]

No to resolutions
2025 is here! I hope you’re all looking forward to all of the opportunities a new year can offer. If I’m going to make any kind of resolutions, they will be to embrace those opportunities and enjoy the ride! I remember making a wee list of resolutions when I was a little kid. One of […]

Traditional method wines
If a sparkling wine doesn’t come from the Champagne region in France it cannot be called Champagne. Although place and grape varieties are important to the finished wine, the method through which a sparkling wine acquires its bubbles is equally important and factors into the cost of the wine. This method is called traditional method […]

I should be more Holiday-y than I have been for the previous three weeks. Right? I am right. So, here we are. If you celebrate any of the holidays of December, then you’re either sitting-back with a smug look on your face because you’re ready, or you’re in panic mode. I am see-sawing a bit […]

Keep your tree longer
I can’t believe that many of my friends and family have already started to get their homes decorated for Christmas. Personally, I try to hang on until at least December 1st before I turn on the outdoor lights or put up a tree in the window. This is partially because its tradition in my family […]

HO HO Help
Our children, and their children, live between one half hour and three hours away from us. Our First World problem is, as parents, we would love to have them even closer, but some days they are close enough. In this community we see how lovely it is to have family very near. Many of our […]

Ode to a great friend
Recently I lost a great friend and, dare I say, a mentor: Gord Parks. Yeah, I know I’m not the only one who enjoyed his company and thoughts he had gathered through his many years in our County community. That’s what happens when you break the traditional barrier of our life on earth. I didn’t […]

Holiday stress
I, for one, can’t believe how quickly 2024 has passed. Didn’t I just complain about taking all of the lawn furniture out of the barn for warm weather gatherings, and not too long ago didn’t I whine about putting it all back? The same goes for the behemoth of a holiday tree. I feel as […]

Fall to-do list
This has been one of the nicest autumns we’ve had in a while, but it’s official—winter is coming. Mother Nature has been giving us all of the signs, so its time to start getting the gardens ready for bed (pun intended!) When it comes to getting the outside ready for winter, here is my personal […]

Beaujolais Nouveau
Thursday November 21 marks the official release of Beaujolais Nouveau this year. It happens annually on the third Thursday of November. This tradition in the Beaujolais region of France dates back to the 1800s, and though Nouveau wines are made all over the world, in Beaujolais the third Thursday of November became popularized by the […]