Dang and Double Dang
Who’s with me on this? Don’t you think there should be a designated time when we aren’t bothered about, obsessed with, or thinking about, COVID-19, Liberal government scandals, back-to-school preparedness and Donald J. Turnip? You know, a holiday from the hellhole 2020 is. Don’t you think we should have at least one day in 2020 […]
Hey, you!
Dear Sidewalk Cyclists: DON’T BE A SIDEWALK CYCLIST Dear Sidewalk Parkers: DON’T PARK ON THE SIDEWALK It’s been a very long time since I wrote about the full-grown, adult idiots who cycle on sidewalks. The last time I wrote about this issue a dear friend told me, almost in a whisper, she always cycled on […]
Living the masquerade
The early day sun calls my attention to mourning doves; they’re sitting on a wire, two of them actually; a pair of doves side by side facing opposite directions. Their perch is a telephone line I must add, the same land line once sacred as a way of communication; sacred and spare enough that rural […]
Pandemic broom
Ah, August! You’re all about the cooler nights and the hot days that hum with cicadas and swirl with wasps. I’m all down with August. Last week I wrote about my concern with the Province’s approach to “back-to-school” for our elementary school children. The arrival of the month of August makes the approach of the […]
Dear Aspen, We were early by ten minutes. I drove you around the block. The long way around. Out by Prince Eddy’s, then loop around across Main then toward the water. There’s construction out there. I didn’t know that. You hated the bumps. We got back to The Hub at 8:13. That gave us two […]
Twelve sheaves to a stook
They say that people who live by the seashore stop hearing the waves. My take is that in all walks of life, reiterated patterns and the hum effect dulls awareness; routine desensitizes. We get a nudge to somehow change it up, seek pause, find retreat in whatever form. I like to hyphenate words such as […]
The most dangerous time of the year
Remember the commercial “It’s the most wonderful time of the year”, with moms gleefully pushing a shopping cart full of back-to-school supplies followed by her sadfaced children, dragging their feet. That commercial, and similar, used to run on television at this time of the year. I haven’t seen any back-toschool commercials this summer. Why is […]
Needing some help with a name
It is a rotten time to be a statue—or a professional sports team. At least three teams—the Edmonton Eskimos, the Washington Redskins and the Cleveland Indians—are searching for a new identity and can use all the help they can get. Well, I am out to prove, in the case of the Edmonton team at least, […]
Personal Pan-demic Face
I don’t want this to be another Pandemic Column, but it will be. You’ve been warned. Go for a walk, now, if you’ve had enough of my whining. The thing is, I’m really tired, and still afraid, of this Pandemic. I am as afraid, and as tired, of COVID19 as I am of Justin Trudeau’s […]
I seldom imagine anything as grand as the silent Aires of the wings of swans in flight: especially in the peace of dawn as they travel low above the willows and bound for the sanctuary of the nearby bay. It’s like the kingfishers skimming tight over the harbour; or silken rain on bare feet; a […]