It’s the glossy season
A young businesswoman I know asked me if I’d seen a recent article in a Toronto newspaper about two local tourist attractions/businesses. I hadn’t, but I knew which places she was speaking of. Both of those businesses do get a lot of press. Sometimes it’s press that looks like “travel news”, other times it’s press […]
The Case for Impatient Optimists
I didn’t give the subject of Bill Gates much thought until I heard his wife Melinda Gates interviewed on the radio earlier this year, which prompted me to read her 2019 book The Moment of Lift; which in turn led me to watch the three-part documentary series now showing on Netflix, entitled Inside Bill’s Brain. […]
Time to pay up
Last week, council was tasked with deciding whether to give itself a ‘raise’. I use the word raise lightly, because an inflation index adjustment is not really a raise. It takes into consideration changes in the price level of a weighted average market basket of consumer goods and services. This means that technically, it’s only […]
Mr. Cherry’s suits
So Don Cherry is off the air —or at least the air controlled by Rogers. The suggestion is that he was fired after he rejected the opportunity to make the sort or grovelling apology that his co-host Ron MacLean made early last week. A nation waited with bated breath last Saturday to see what would […]
FitBit™ this
A FitBit. Yep, I’ve got one. I don’t know how that happened, except I did use a few AirMiles and maybe I was inspired by a friend at the gym. The way I figure it my Gym-sista, who is rocking the fitness, had the nerve to talk all about how happy she was with her […]
Far away places with strange sounding names
So Wellington got hammered again by the wicked wind from the west—and lived to tell the tale. Still, those big, beautiful old trees that we lost won’t be replaced by trees of equivalent stature any time soon. The truth is that we are probably pretty lucky in the County that our most adverse events are […]
Blunder to wonder
Well, the County has had its first taste of winter and there’s still over a month to go before it actually is l’hiver. At this time last year we were in Brandon, Manitoba. It snowed the day LOML and I arrived and the warmest it got was about minus 20, during the month of November. […]
Of rings, middle fingers and hamsters
They wanted their championship rings to make a statement—and in that, the Toronto Raptors succeeded. At their home opener on October 22, the Raptors handed out to their 2018-2019 team the “most valuable” rings ever made for a basketball champion. Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment, the company that owns the team, did not specify what […]
Freedom to celebrate
A young friend, living on the Prairies, put one of her family’s Christmas Trees up on October 30. I say it’s a long haul until the 25th of December but she’s a Christmas-loving kinda gal. And she’s the only person she has to answer to about when Christmas starts in her life. I seriously doubt […]
Making the west happy
Justin Trudeau has got his work cut out for him on many fronts, but the consensus seems to be that his overriding concern should be to make the West happy. The Liberals got no seats in Alberta, lost the one they had in Saskatchewan, reduced their seats to 11 out of 42 in B.C., and […]