County News

Don’t fence me in

Posted: July 6, 2012 at 9:18 am   /   by   /   comments (4)

Bayfield politely urges council to mind its own business

Bayfield Treatment Centres does not want the municipality regulating what is already a highly regulated business. Sharlene Weitzman is the chief operating officer of the residential treatment, education and counselling facilities for children operating through six homes across Ameliasburgh from Rossmore to Consecon. Weitzman responded to a range of issues raised last month by neighbours of these homes relating to break-ins, vandalism and aggressive behaviour by children in its care before a committee of council last week.

Weitzman began by apologizing to the neighbours, about 20 of whom were assembled in the Shire Hall gallery. She acknowledged that Bayfield ought to have “gotten in front of this.”

With Bayfield’s attorney Richard Wright by her side, Weitzman quickly turned to a defence of her organization—pointing to accreditation achievements, awards and history in this community.

She explained to council that Bayfield operates a highly regulated business and works diligently and responsively to neighbours’ concerns and damages. She noted the implementation of a system that calls concerned residents when a child has run away from the facility, and again when they return.

“I credit the neighbours for finding this system,” said Weitzman, “I credit Bayfield for implementing it. There is nothing else like this in Ontario.”

She stressed that the children in Bayfield’s care are not incarcerated.

“These kids are getting treatment,” said Weitzman. “They are not detained. They are like one in five other kids in this community.”

Ameliasburgh Councillor Dianne O’Brien along with North Marysburgh Councillor Robert Quaiff asked Weitzman to confirm speculation that it was moving a youth facility from Trenton to the County.

Weitzman refused.

“It is unreasonable to ask about expansion plans when the issue is already contentious,” said Weitzman. “It will only incite more conflict.”

Quaiff noted police had been called to the Trenton facility at least 63 times in recent months.

“I think we should know if the County will have to assume the cost of these additional OPP calls,” said Quaiff.

Sophiasburgh Councillor Terry Shortt suggested to Weitzman that, despite the reputation and good work Bayfield does, it has some work to do to make its neighbours feel safe.

“There is a problem here,” said Shortt. “How will an agreement with some neighbours help the situation overall? What measures are you taking to prevent kids from running away?”

Weitzman said Bayfield is below the Ontario average in terms of runaways. She also reminded council Bayfield staff are not permitted to physically restrain a child from running away.

“We want them to have a normal home environment,” said Weitzman.

Bayfield’s attorney Richard Wright then stepped to the microphone to underline the point that governing this facility wasn’t something in which council ought to involve itself.

“Private mediation stands as an open offer,” insisted Wright. “It is an appropriate solution—rather than black and white regulation.”

But few of the residents want a private deal; instead they are seeking to restore a feeling of safe and quiet enjoyment of their homes for all residents.

One neighbour, Don Carr, offered a series of suggestions that council might consider in regulating facilities such as Bayfield’s. These included demanding that such a facility post a security bond; establishing minimum distance separation between group homes and neighbours; and allowing homes only in communities with municipal water and sewer services.

“There should be no more free lunch,” said Carr. “Appropriate planning rules will stop Bayfield from offloading costs of a private business onto the backs of the municipality and its residents.”

Carr also added that he believes there are too many homes clustered across Ameliasburgh.

Council asked planning staff to prepare a report with recommendations about how, or whether, it ought to proceed.



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  • April 3, 2021 at 4:19 pm Davion Williamson

    Yeah they did you so good, YOU CAN’T EVEN SPELL!!! Wtf is “Bizzy”!? It’s busy! I lived there for THREE years and I still went to jail as an adult! I’ve ran into MULTIPLE people who lived there through out my adulthood and they are also struggling! Some of them HARDCORE ADDICTS some of them HARDCORE CRIMINALS! NONE OF THEM LAW ABIDING CITIZENS!

    As far as the article saying that the staff DO NOT physically restrain the kids there! THAT IS A LIE! Staff would often PHYSICALLY, VERBALLY AND MENTALLY ABUSE a kid that “wasn’t in line” The WORST I’ve seen in there ABUSE of “power” was a conflict that rose from one of the kids beating one of the staff in a card game!

    • July 7, 2021 at 12:47 am Clemency

      Davion, It’s all a matter of choice. Every decisions we make has consequences. Two people can have a very similar upbringing. One person choose to rebel (nobody is going to tell me what to do) attitude and always angry at the world and blames everyone else for their hardship. The other person choose not to quit but to works hard to improve his life and accomplish his dream. You don’t necessarily need a high education unless you want to be scientist or something. You would not like anybody belittling your accomplishments. So why do it to someone else? I am sure when you were five years old you had a dream . It`s never to late. You were born for a purpose.Before you were born you chose the life your were going to be born into and who your parents were going to be. Do you remember what you came here to do. I would be would be something you would do for free if you did not need the money. It would be your calling. You needed to gain life experience first. There is only one of you. No one can duplicate you. Love yourself . A person that finds their true calling becomes happy and fullfilled. They do not feel the need to put down someone else to make themselve feel superior. A truly happy person would be happy of who they have become. It was not easy, but they made it. A happy person wants every one else to be happy, and will try to uplift other people’s spirits and encourage them. An unhappy person wants everybody to be miserable. They have pity parties. You are a good person that might of made mistakes. Refuse to let life drag you down. Look deep inside of you and you will find what you have been looking for. It’s been there all along. Take care of yourself and become who you were meant to be in this life. The reason you were born in this life. May you find your heart’s desire and the passion and drive that you need to accomplish the mission that were came on earth to do. Dark and negative people will try to stop you from accomplishing that. You are meant to shine. You are in the driver’s seat, you chose where you want to go life. Good Luck. We cannot alway chose to how people treat us or what happen to us, but we can choose how we react to it.

  • February 4, 2015 at 4:05 pm Tate hill

    Bayfeald is the best home I ever had in cosacon ont the animales and work they give you is the best therapy any human can have. They keep most of us bizzy and have work if you want to work and make money I made 3.50 hr 23 years ago first place in 4Hgroup in a fair I came from several foster homes and few group homes from age 2 years old up to 16 years old I lived there for almost 2 years from 13 to almost 15 years old. Many kids for all different reasons abuse, drug problems, family problems, heathproblems, or learning problems ext I never wanted to leave but children’s aid would not let me stay I never got more educated after that and was forced to Westlake Brampton Ontario and a year later they wanted me to move to Toronto boys home I refused it sound like jail and I was the only one in group homes that like to go to church I spent more days in church then school since I was 6years old I still am close with god but homeless 60% of my life since I left CA’s I have now traveled all of Canada in 6 years and have a hard time to stay in one place to long I have had pets ever since I left CA’s I drove behind a brinks truck wide open off high way1calgary Alberta full front to back I looked to the sky and looked at my dog angel and circled my head about three times and hugged my rottie and said I love you’s more then money 15 min later the brinks guy came running out of TD bank I told him know one took anything he would not reply to me I then realized my baby is haveing her puppy’s that day I praysed god for the best gift ever love.

    • July 7, 2021 at 12:57 am Clemency

      Some people have a high education but are not very nice people. Education is learned. We learn what we need. I don’t like science so I don’t want to learn. It’s gross because you got to disected animals. Some people are very educated but are not nice people. Just keep on improving yourself and your life and continue to better yourself. We learn somethng new everyday. Most important is to love what you become. When you can look yourself in the mirror and be proud of your accomplishment; that is a big step forward. We are never to old to learn. Some people are educated but know nothing about life because they never had to work for anything. Everythng was handed to them and they appreciate nothing. They want everything for nothing. You have a lot to be proud of. Just continue to stay true to yourself God Bless
