
Save the trees

Posted: April 11, 2024 at 9:06 am   /   by   /   comments (0)

For the last few years, I’ve been getting more homeowners questioning the health of the large trees in their yards.

After ice storms, strong winds, and snowfalls, the trees on our properties have taken quite a beating. Before you decide to get rid of your trees in favour of less yardwork, there are a few things you might want to consider. According to the Appraisal Institute of Canada, and Tree Canada, trees are not just important for the environment—they have real value when it comes to your actual home. Trees on your property can be worth more then $19,000 and save you more than $175 on your energy bills.

All of the current research shows that homebuyers prefer houses on streets that have trees. In fact, properties with healthy mature trees show an increased value of between 3 and 5 per cent over homes that have none. This means that on the average Canadian home, those trees are worth between $10,500 and $19,000.

Trees are nature’s outdoor climate control but they also impact the inside of your home. A well-placed tree that shades your home in the hot summer months can save you up to $55 each year, and an additional $120 in winter heating costs.

However, there are a few simple rules when it comes to trees. The type of tree makes a big difference when it comes to valuation. Trees that don’t do well in an urban setting can negatively impact the homes around them. Species like willow, poplar, balsam fir and Manitoba maple all have less than desirable qualities, making them better for rural locations. The best deciduous trees for home valuation continue to be the ones with great fall colour, like a Canadian red maple or the slower growing varieties like oaks because they provide more shade and stay healthier longer.

Location of your trees is also important. If you are planting new trees for your home, use these simple tips as a good general guideline for placement.

  • Evergreens and conifers should be placed on the north side of your property. That way they help to block the cold winds in the wintertime. To maximize their effectiveness, don’t plant your evergreens in a straight line. Instead, stagger then in a zigzag pattern
  • Plant your shade trees on the south side of the property to create the most protection from the summer sun. Make sure you follow the individual planting guidelines for the each type of tree that you plant. Don’t assume that all trees grow the same, even if they come from the same family.

Instead of removing those valuable assets, proper care makes a lot more sense. You wouldn’t throw out your car before a mechanic took a look at it.

The same goes for a tree in your yard. Have an arborist come in to remove those dead branches and missing bark to ensure that your tree not only stays healthy, but that it continues to make you money for your home investment.

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